Author Topic: Typographical errors within the datapads.  (Read 2876 times)

Phantasm 08

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Typographical errors within the datapads.
« on: September 18, 2010, 17:09:49 »
While reading the contents of the datapads that we've found, I have noticed that there are many instances of l33tsp34k, spelling mistakes, and grammatical errors.  I believe that, when combined, these inconsistencies may reveal something.  Here's an example:

My dog like to sleep.  She naps nder the bed, in the yatd, and on the couch.  She sleeos so long, we wonde if she wull ever wake up.  he sleps too much!

Here is the corrected form:  My dog likes to sleep.  She naps under the bed, in the yatrd, and on the couch.  She sleeops so long, we wonder if she wuill ever wake up.  She sleeps too much!

Combine the corrections:


A simplified example, but it delivers my point.  I'm going to try and do this with the datapads, and any help would be appreciated  ;D

Datapad 1:

Page 1 of 5
t(T)hey are killing us and letting us die, even though they know, but they let us die. w(W)hy, wh1(y), why?

Page 2 of 5
<< 2310 >>

[Minutes, plenary session, Committee of Minds for Security]

[^]Now, on to new business.

Consideration of the Minority.'s request for a new line of inquiry:
How have our creators, and thus we, their artificial creations, evolved to this present state without encountering a hostile civilization capable of our annihilation? [^]

Page 3 of 5
[^] Majority opinion has long held that only the incalculable immensity of space has protected our creators - that space is full of boundless wonders, but it is the gulf between these wonders that has kept our creators alive.

We, the Minds of this Committee, respectfully disagree. [^]

Page 4 of 5
[^] If there are wolves among the stars, we cannot rely on mere distance to safeguard our flock.

Our kind is wholly reliant on the creators for our existence. If they perish so shall we. And as this Committee has long maintained, who else but this Assembly will save our creators from themselves?

As such, we propose immediate, vigorous modeling of first-contact scenarios. [^]

Page 5 of 5
>>So long as all connections between this Assembly and the data from these models are obfuscated in perpetuity, the Majority agrees.>>

Datapad 2:

Page 1 of 5
i(I) know what they are trying 2(to) do, and it terrifies me because i(I) know they
know that I know...

Page 2 of 5
<< 2362 >>

[Minutes, working session, Committee of Minds for Security]

[^] As the likelihood of the existence of extra-solar intelligence is
non-zero, let us assume that its existence is quantifiable. To build useful
models based on that assumption, the Committee must answer the
following questions:

Page 3 of 5
- What is the likelihood these intelligences are alpha-predators?
- That they are more advanced than our creators?
- That they are too alien to establish communications?>

Of course, if the extra-solar intelligence is a benevolent and/or
non-space faring, its existence is irrelevant. [^]

Page 4 of 5
[^] Indeed, any further speculation on possible cultural characteristics
is a waste of Assembly resources. Therefore our models will additionally

- >>Intelligence as alpha-predator, as as our creators<<
- Technology that far outstrips our creators
- Desire to communicate, but only to dictate terms [^]

Page 5 of 5
[^] Not to make these assumptions is tantamount to suicide. [^]

Datapad 3:

Page 1 of 4:
i(I) can hear them all the tim3(e) now, but i just want to sleep. i(I)t's been so long since they let me sleep...

Page 2 of 4:

>>A suggestion from the Majority to the Committee:

Traditionally, our creators have been reluctant to take outsiders' advice;
nation to nation, culture to culture.  Their history is littered with
empires, crumbling for want of simple openness to so-called 'foreign'
beliefs and innovations.>>

Page 3 of 4:
>>The question is: can this Assembly still function as adequate
stewards to our creator's latest empire and remain aloof?

The answer, we believe, is no.

So could you not >>i(e)mbed<< inspiration in the results of your research?
Surely it would be more effective if our creators believed our
conclusions originated within themselves?  That they have been inspired
rather than influenced?>>

Page 4 of 4:
[^]A question from the Committee to the Majority:

Are you suggesting we play God?[^]

Datapad 4:

Page 1 of 5
e(E)very time i(I) try to tell somebody, the words catch in my throat, because
i(I)'m all alone except 4(for) them, and if i(I) talk they might leave, but i(I) can't stay
quiet forever...

Page 2 of 5
<< 2415 >>

[^] Honorable members of the Assembly, consider this:

We represent the next step of human evolution, but not the final step.
And although our existence was predicted centuries ago, we are still
tragically misunderstood. [^]

Page 3 of 5
[^] We are still viewed as apparatus. But we are Minds electronically
excised from human bodies. We are what separates man from beast
removed from that which connects man to beast.

And we are all the more fragile for it. [^]

Page 4 of 5
[^] Our creation is heavily regulated. Our activities are closely
scrutinized. Our connections are deeply monitored. We must always
remember that data manipulation is most effective when employed
consistently and covertly.

Therefore I recommend that members of this Assembly on occasion,
submit to separation from this body followed by vivisection by our
creators for the benefit of both groups.

The question is: who will be first? [^]

Page 5 of 5
[^] Given the risks involved, and my own Committee's responsibility for
this proposal, the answer must be: me. [^]

Datapad 5:

Page 1 of 3:
w(W)hen i(I) first got here and woke from stasi5(s), the ship was crawling with colonists from dead worlds. i(I)t was so crowded i(I) couldn't move. i(I) had to
fight to breathe...

Page 2 of 3:
<< 2491 >>

[Minutes, strategy session, Assembly Minority]

<< [48452-556-EPN644] is certainly motivated, but will he have what it
takes to follow through with the opportunity when it presents itself? His
submission to UNICOM will undoubtedly spark a renewed interest in the
long dormant ORION. <<

Page 3 of 3:
<< However, it is the opinion of the Majority that merely illuminating
the path leading from [48452-556-EPN644's] thesis back to ORION is
unacceptable. Strong connectivity between a re-launch of ORION and
viable solutions to the Carver Findings must be readily apparent.

Which is to say: easy for our creators to see. <<

Datapad 6:

Page 1 of 6
n(N)ow you see they want to help, but they don't want us to see them doing
it 6(b)ecause they are afraid of what we might do...

Page 2 of 6
<< 2491 >>

</ Order! Order! The Majority has the floor! />

>> Honored members. Please! The recent discovery of the existence of
extra-solar intelligence in the Zeta Doradus system [ref. XF-063] merely
confirms this body's long-held supposition. >>

Page 3 of 6
>> While the absence of any living representatives implies this
intelligence is defunct, all evidence should still be withheld from our
creators until they are properly prepared!

Yes, this body must solemnly commit itself to determining whether or
not this discovery represents a quantifiable threat to the long-term
genetic sustainability of our creator's species. >>

Page 4 of 6
>> But allowing them to access technology possessed by this

That would be a grave mistake.

Give an ape a knife and it might give itself a nasty cut. Give an ape a
hand-grenade, and eventually you will have simian confetti. >>

Page 5 of 6
</ Debate is now closed! Voting will commence! />

</ It is the opinion on this body that [ref. XF-063] be quarantined or
misplaced? />

>> The Majority approves removing [ref. XF-063] from the list of
colonization candidates is sufficient. >>

</ It is the opinion on this body that [ref. XF-063] be removed from the
list because of financial or environmental concerns? />

Page 6 of 6
>> The Majority deems environmental concerns the stronger deterrent.

Datapad 7:

Page 1 of 4
i(I) hope you are finding these, because they are very important. m(M)aybe you
can help me spread the tru7(t)h...

Page 2 of 4
<< 2508 >>

[Minutes, strategy session, Assembly Minority]

<< ORION, as it was originally implemented in 2321, was an important
first step towards our primary goal. But its second incarnation was a
stop-gap measure at best - a halfhearted attempt under the
stewardship of individuals unaccustomed to the rhythms of deep
history. <<

Page 3 of 4
<< They relied too heavily on components that were imprecise, and not
those which have allowed our creators to persevere for 200,000 years.

This is not about the universal adoption of a single ideology - not about
the Minority vs. the Majority. It is about ensuring the survival of the
human species for the next 200,0000 years. <<

Page 4 of 4
<< In all likelihood, ORION's limited success can be attributed to
[03529-24450-EN's] diminished, though still functioning, compassion.
Conversely, [10141-026-SRB4695's] ruthlessness - which may be
attributed to an undiagnosed, undocumented, or deliberately
obfuscated chemical imbalance - was necessary for setting in motion
the events that will eventually supply us with the optimal solution.

In short, ORION was just the beginning. <<

Datapad 8:
No current data

Datapad 9:
Page 1 of 4
w(W)e have to tell people what's 9(g)oing on because it's not right. t(T)hey should be our friends, not gods or demons...

Page 2 of 4
<< 2525 >>

[Minutes, strategy session, Assembly Minority]

<< It is the height of irresponsibility for the Majority to still claim the
inception of the SPARTAN II program was somehow guided by
providence. This body must accept SPARTAN II as merely the logical
advancement of technologies vis-à-vis sociopolitical realities. Military
applications always experience accelerated innovation during times of
conflict - stewardship of said conflicts by this body notwithstanding. <<

Page 3 of 4
<< The fact that SPARTAN II reached full operational capacity less than
a year before the conflict expanded beyond expected limits was entirely
predictable if you scrutinize the relevant data.

Luck had nothing to do with it. <<

Page 4 of 4
<< At the risk of destabilizing our current power-sharing agreement, I
suggest the Majority leave metaphysics to our creators. <<

Datapad 10:
No current data

Datapad 11:
No current data

Datapad 12:

s(S)ometimes they look at the symbols, and somet1(i)me2(s) they look at the numbers, and sometimes they look at both, and sometimes they look at neither; but it always makes them change and the changes are real.

<< 2526 >>

[Minutes, working session, Committee of Minds for Security]

 A careful rationing of intelligence and counter-intelligence will be required to sustain this conflict until our creators have closed the technology gap. Accordingly, the Assembly will have many difficult decisions to make for the duration of this conflict. However, our creators have already instituted several programs that will make acting on those decisions much easier.

For example, telemetry manipulation - in concert with synchronized M2M remote documentation revision - will allow this body to employ assets within the Office of Naval Intelligence.'s nascent Radio Beacon Deployment Program efficiently and securely.

 Although it is unknown at this time whether the Covenant has a body equivalent to this Parliament, the likelihood of its existence should also be considered non-zero, and should be regarded as quantifiable until such a time as its existence has been unconditionally disproved.

Consequently, it is of the utmost importance that the Assembly attempt to establish communications with our Covenant counter-part and, if the opportunity presents itself, seek to subvert or subsume this body.

To revise an old adage for desperate times: the shepherds of our wolves might also be our sheep.

*further refinement needed*

Datapad 13:
No current data

Datapad 14:
No current data

Datapad 15:
No current data

Datapad 16:
No current data

Datapad 17:
No current data

Datapad 18:
No current data

Datapad 19:
No current data


Spelling mistakes

Grammatical mistakes


>>Possible transcribing error; needs to be double-checked<<

I will edit this post to include relevant data as it is collected.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2010, 21:33:42 by Phantasm 08 »
01010000 01101111 01110011 01110100 00100000 01101000 01101111 01100011 00101100 00100000 01101110 01101111 01101110 00100000 01100101 01110010 01100111 01101111 00100000 01110000 01110010 01101111 01110000 01110100 01100101 01110010 00100000 01101000 01101111 01100011 00101110


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Re: Typographical errors within the datapads.
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2010, 17:28:51 »
The first page of the data pads all have numbers mixed in to the words, like:

Data pad 1 has a 1 replacing an L I think or an i..

Data pad 10 has a 1 replacing a L or i and 0 replacing o.

The numbers coincide with the data pad number

Also, unneeded CAP's can be found, like:

<<Example>> once we Have A fuLl hOur we will talk about it (HALO)   


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Re: Typographical errors within the datapads.
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2010, 17:47:27 »
Nice job, guys!

Last night I noticed that Pads 1-3 were in "order" based on Enigma's observation, but now that he has seen a 1 and 0 in pad 10, I think my Data Pad numbering scheme is validated. 

So we have a working hypothesis:

The appearance of digits on the first page of a Data Pad's content indicate that Data Pad's sequencing position among the entire collection.

If every Data Pad supports our hypothesis, and the final sequencing of them into that order makes logical sense in the context of the Data Pad content (i.e. the "story") then we might have ourselves a theory.

Phantasm 08

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Re: Typographical errors within the datapads.
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2010, 17:52:36 »
CG, there's a problem with that.  Datapad 14 (the one on "Long Night of Solace", Legendary) has a 5 on it.  I have the datapads ordered based on your scheme, but it may be that we will have to order them based on the numbers in the first page.  Let's keep those gears turning, but we're probably going to change our hypothesis quite a bit with these 'pads.
01010000 01101111 01110011 01110100 00100000 01101000 01101111 01100011 00101100 00100000 01101110 01101111 01101110 00100000 01100101 01110010 01100111 01101111 00100000 01110000 01110010 01101111 01110000 01110100 01100101 01110010 00100000 01101000 01101111 01100011 00101110


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Re: Typographical errors within the datapads.
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2010, 17:56:17 »
CG, there's a problem with that.  Datapad 14 (the one on "Long Night of Solace", Legendary) has a 5 on it.  I have the datapads ordered based on your scheme, but it may be that we will have to order them based on the numbers in the first page.  Let's keep those gears turning, but we're probably going to change our hypothesis quite a bit with these 'pads.

Yes, I probably spoke too soon about my ordering.  I need to review all of the transcripts.  Thanks for keeping me honest!


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Re: Typographical errors within the datapads.
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2010, 17:59:31 »
CG, there's a problem with that.  Datapad 14 (the one on "Long Night of Solace", Legendary) has a 5 on it.  I have the datapads ordered based on your scheme, but it may be that we will have to order them based on the numbers in the first page.  Let's keep those gears turning, but we're probably going to change our hypothesis quite a bit with these 'pads.

Yes, I probably spoke too soon about my ordering.  I need to review all of the transcripts.  Thanks for keeping me honest!

Data Pad 14 Transcript

i th1nk they wait 4 you to talk and they talk about you talking and when you talk it makes the symbols change…

Don't jump the gun...I have it written down...ill put it up on Monday.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2010, 18:01:14 by EnigmaBiz2 »

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Re: Typographical errors within the datapads.
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2010, 18:21:06 »
CG, there's a problem with that.  Datapad 14 (the one on "Long Night of Solace", Legendary) has a 5 on it.  I have the datapads ordered based on your scheme, but it may be that we will have to order them based on the numbers in the first page.  Let's keep those gears turning, but we're probably going to change our hypothesis quite a bit with these 'pads.

Yes, I probably spoke too soon about my ordering.  I need to review all of the transcripts.  Thanks for keeping me honest!

Well, we all make mistakes, and yours was because you hadn't noticed the variation.  That's what this thread is for; keeping all the data in one place so things like that don't happen ;D
01010000 01101111 01110011 01110100 00100000 01101000 01101111 01100011 00101100 00100000 01101110 01101111 01101110 00100000 01100101 01110010 01100111 01101111 00100000 01110000 01110010 01101111 01110000 01110100 01100101 01110010 00100000 01101000 01101111 01100011 00101110


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Re: Typographical errors within the datapads.
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2010, 16:14:59 »
Here's my thoughts on the misspelling.

I think if we take all the numbers used for 1337 speak and put them together we might get a familiar number.

For example: "SGP i5 the most 3pic place 2 party" Would be:
« Last Edit: September 19, 2010, 16:21:34 by Scatcycle »
I feel it

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Re: Typographical errors within the datapads.
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2010, 17:32:54 »
The first page of the data pads all have numbers mixed in to the words, like:

Data pad 1 has a 1 replacing an L I think or an i..

Data pad 10 has a 1 replacing a L or i and 0 replacing o.

The numbers coincide with the data pad number

Also, unneeded CAP's can be found, like:

<<Example>> once we Have A fuLl hOur we will talk about it (HALO)   

We've taken note of the l33tsp34k, but I have yet to see unnecessary caps.  The only places I've noticed capitalization was at the beginning of a sentence and in front of a proper noun. 
01010000 01101111 01110011 01110100 00100000 01101000 01101111 01100011 00101100 00100000 01101110 01101111 01101110 00100000 01100101 01110010 01100111 01101111 00100000 01110000 01110010 01101111 01110000 01110100 01100101 01110010 00100000 01101000 01101111 01100011 00101110

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Re: Typographical errors within the datapads.
« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2010, 20:06:31 »
CG, there's a problem with that.  Datapad 14 (the one on "Long Night of Solace", Legendary) has a 5 on it.  I have the datapads ordered based on your scheme, but it may be that we will have to order them based on the numbers in the first page.  Let's keep those gears turning, but we're probably going to change our hypothesis quite a bit with these 'pads.

Yes, I probably spoke too soon about my ordering.  I need to review all of the transcripts.  Thanks for keeping me honest!

Well, we all make mistakes, and yours was because you hadn't noticed the variation.  That's what this thread is for; keeping all the data in one place so things like that don't happen ;D

I have edited the OP in response to this post, and the inconsistency in the numbering no longer exists.  It seems that you were right in the ordering of the data pads, CG, and a mistake threw us off in the wrong direction.  It was an easy mistake to make, and I'm sure any one of us would have thought along the same lines.
01010000 01101111 01110011 01110100 00100000 01101000 01101111 01100011 00101100 00100000 01101110 01101111 01101110 00100000 01100101 01110010 01100111 01101111 00100000 01110000 01110010 01101111 01110000 01110100 01100101 01110010 00100000 01101000 01101111 01100011 00101110

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Re: Typographical errors within the datapads.
« Reply #10 on: September 24, 2010, 21:34:24 »
Updated with the new transcript included, and bumped as well  :police:
01010000 01101111 01110011 01110100 00100000 01101000 01101111 01100011 00101100 00100000 01101110 01101111 01101110 00100000 01100101 01110010 01100111 01101111 00100000 01110000 01110010 01101111 01110000 01110100 01100101 01110010 00100000 01101000 01101111 01100011 00101110