Halo ODST > SGP Task Force: Marty

SGP - hmmm...Audio logs?

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(This is both Audio & Visual, but the thead has to go somewhere....)

Just a thought...what about the sounds and images in the audio logs? They are a Fourth Wall production, so it's likely that there's thing hidden in them...
After I get my computer (should be in either tomorrow or Monday), I've convinced my brother to wait on getting the achievement 'til I can do an HD recording of them all. (playing them all is close to an hour of dialog and pictures) it'll be a large file size, but I wouldn't be surprised at hidden content (it'll just suck going through it all, lol)

Apollo Doom:
I would love to have an HD copy of Sadie's Story!  Not just for analysis, I really feel like I missed some of the best aspects not being able to full screen it in-game.

I will glad pour over the story if I can access it beyond my box.  If you can do this, 10 Hero medals for you.


lol, I'll definately try =)

For what it's worth, I'd love for us to pool our talents at some point and collectively work on something akin to what the guys at Ascendant Justice used to do (until recently.)

Their articles on various parts of the fiction are fantastic reference material for Halo Fiction enthusiasts.  Many of the followers of that site were looking forward to their coverage of ODST only to find out that their contributions had to come to an end due to their absorption into the Halo Waypoint project (they're official employees now- go them!)

AJ would provide well-written and thought out examinations of their subject matter complete with quality images and knowledgeable references to the Halo canon.

Were we to assemble such an article, it could be featured on the SubLife home page as well as in the forums.

I could also assemble a blog site just for us... but I'd want to wait until we had content!  :P

Something to sleep on...

i just had a thought thru my head. what if we have to use the audio logs to open/unlock things? you can play the audio logs and still run around and explore the streets. what if you have to be in a certain location of the city when playing a certain audio log for something to happen. for example what would happen if we play the log where the 6 Engineers save Vergil/SI at the Squidhenge in District 6 (The Squidhenge that has the Super Sad MonoGlyph). I just turned on my xbox and i am going to look into this. i welcome anyway to venture down this path as well and report what they find.


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