Destiny > Destiny Pre-Release Discussion

Tyrion Lannister Confirmed as Destiny's "New Cortana" aka Ghost


The Arkaeologist:
Raindrops on roses Queen of Thorns' "roses"
And whiskers on kittens And warg-able kittens
Half-man! and two Jo[h]ns
And warm Night's Watch mittens

Didact, Librarian,
Little birds sing,
These are a few of my favorite things.....

Yes, two of my favorite worlds are colliding!  Hoorah!  Now perhaps CG will finally give me a half-corner of the forum for my GRRM obsession.  :-*


This *is* your half corner!

Theories and screenshots
And smart secret musings
Binary numbers
And fiction (confusing!)

Members exploring
The vast
Halo Rings

These are a few of my favorite things!

Was that a shout out,
Or am I mistaken?
Glyphs are still cool
Even though I don't get them.

Drawing connections
That may not be real

These are a few of my favorite things

The Arkaeologist:
@Night:  Wurgle!

@CG:  But we could call it The Ba$*#^@!! Corner.  It would be AWESOME.



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