Halo ODST > SGP Task Force: Ghost Chasers

SGP: Floor Glyphs and Footbridge S06

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Was also mentioned that that particular dumpster cannot be knocked over.  I was able to knock over the other two in that area, but didn't have any grenades left to try that one.  I believe that the lid is open to block the glyph on the wall??  Not sure on that.  Glyph was not there when I was there last.


--- Quote from: ZaggRukk on October 06, 2009, 03:50:54 ---Was also mentioned that that particular dumpster cannot be knocked over.  I was able to knock over the other two in that area, but didn't have any grenades left to try that one.  I believe that the lid is open to block the glyph on the wall??  Not sure on that.  Glyph was not there when I was there last.

--- End quote ---
I got stuck in it (laughing in the back ground) and my friend tipped it over fine...

Apollo Doom:
I was playing with a friend last night who managed to do this also.  We found out that you can beat someone down through and also shoot out of the dumpster.  Then a patrol walked down the street and stood next to the dumpster shooting at me without even seeing him.  A grunt turned around and saw him through a crack, squawked and through a sticky inside with him.  We were laughing harder that I have yet with ODST.


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