Halo ODST > SGP Task Force: Black Ops

District 01...

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Pulse Cloud:

--- Quote from: Scatcycle on January 30, 2010, 03:03:48 ---maybe if we went underground... I remember in halo 1 you could force yourselve yourself to fly underground with ought without dying. It might work in odst. But I think they fixed the bug. In the old halo games, in some places there was that barrier, the jesus barrier. You could float on it, and while you did, it was like you were falling. You gained fall speed every second. Then you have to move off, and you immediate woosh down and hit your teammate through the ground. You die, but they survive underground. But in odst they fixed the falling every second makes you go faster rule, so we have to think of a way to fly down super hard with ought without dying. Hmm...

--- End quote ---

Fixed so you could learn how to write those words. Phrase formation could be improved, but I'll leave that to you. :) Please, don't take this as an insult to your intelligence.

Those pesky "without"s and "yourself"s.  :D


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