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Messages - Imppa

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Destiny Pre-Release Discussion / Re: Destiny at E3 2013
« on: June 11, 2013, 20:19:29 »
What most impressed me (the lighting was a close second!) was the event. I'm not entirely sure I know exactly what it was, but to me it looks like, if a bunch of people are playing alone or with their friends while connected to xbox life, and they are near the same area, there's a chance for the event to start. Then all players are connected into one game with what seemed like lossless transistion, and a huge boss spawns somewhere. Everyone near the area swarms in to this one spot, creating a constant reinforcements effect. If they actually manage to pull it off while having the transition lossless, it would be truly amazing.

I actually showed the gameplay part to my friends today, and after re-watching it and trying to explain why it's so cool, I have to agree with you, Scat: the strongest aspect truly is that incredible way of bringing people together seamlessly for epic fights! If the transition is truly as good as Bungie says (and as we were shown) then truly we should expect to get something extraordinary next year!

Destiny Pre-Release Discussion / No damage indicators?
« on: June 11, 2013, 13:15:27 »
I'm not usre if this was quite worth of a thead of it's own, but...

It really bugs me.

Why isn't there anything to indicate the damage you've taken? Really?

All there was in the LIVE gameplay, too, was that red glow on the borders of the screen, but no meter, not any kind of indication that you would've taken serious damage that you can't just "walk away", or in gamer terms, wait out behind a convenient pillar. Does that mean Bungie didn't have time to implement it in a way that pleased themselves, or is there something weird going on?

There's been some higl-level discussion of this matter in Bnet, about in-game currency and it's inflation and such. I can't remember which was better in comparison, but Player-managed stores would surely be much more fun! I don't know if it'll be anything more than just people standing around and shouting "Buy cowhides" :D People having their own stalls and stuff would be SUPER awesome, though! Too bad we still have no idea how does Bungie do then networking in Destiny, so it's bit too early to speculate what can be done and what can't.

However, seeing how Destiny's strength is the interaction between people, it would be weird NOT to have any kind of trading system between people.  But own stores? Time will tell, I suppose.

Theorizers / Re: SGP: QTA XII VI - "Confirmed" mysteries
« on: June 11, 2013, 12:17:00 »
But unfortunately, that technical report was made effective in 2012. Which means that it may just be one hell of a coincidence. Although it could be that things like that image were used previously and are being used now. But 2012 is a long time away from 2009. Looks like it's probably just some crazy coincidence. It all seems perfect, it's just the dates that are problems.

'Ey, coincidence or not, it's still a nice find :D You wouldn't fins things like this if you didn't have your eyes open, so at least it shows you're actively looking for clues. And that can't be bad! ;P

Random thought that may require investigation, in regard to the "It's a clue!" paw print on the long sword. Bungie has pretty much pointed out that a crashed longsword (or shortsword?) is a clue. Where else is does one of these appear? Maybe Bungie is pouting to the one that crashed into the stature at the end of CM:UR

Isn't the one in CM:UR just a Drone plane, or something? And anyway, to me the longsword is just a part of the link between the map "Tempest" and the play and/or "Sea Venture" - why fo you think it's part of something bigger that the map's own little storyline? :S

Destiny Pre-Release Discussion / Re: Destiny at E3 2013
« on: June 11, 2013, 12:03:10 »
I do believe I read (or heard) once that Jason Jones had these books.  Maybe in a Staten interview on the old podcasts.  If so, perhaps the opening cinematic (shown during this Sony E3 presentation) was a reference to the images above (skeleton in an old wrecked car sitting in a field vs. skeleton in an old wrecked spacecraft sitting in a field).   The design of the ships and buildings in the Destiny world really reminds me of the artwork from these books.

The artworks really do look similar! Impressive, well noticed! :)

Imppa, it was really cool watching that whole two-hour presentation with you over XBL Party Chat!  Scatters- totally cool that you dropped in as well.  It's already a fond memory!

If my XBox wouldn't have turned itself of RIGHT before the Desitny gameplay...I actually missed a second or two of the beginning of the gameplay, as I was swapping and smashing my VGA cables. Either way, it was fun, thanks! :D

Theorizers / Re: SGP: Asklon = NOT AMG Transport Dynamics!
« on: June 11, 2013, 11:50:41 »
I guess I just assumed everyone say this, but in one of the posters, Earth is shown with a small white circle at it's top right 'corner', supposedly the moon. This is stupidly similar to the 'dead orbit' faction logo.
Or, supposedly, how about the traveler? Big, white orb, resting right above the Last City (in dead orbit, one might say ;) ): they hadit allll figured out!

Is the Destiny logo an abstraction of the sad monoglyph??

That's nice! But, moreover...are ALL the glyphs abstractions of Destiny logo, and thus connected to Destiny? O.o

Destiny Pre-Release Discussion / Re: Destiny at E3 2013
« on: June 11, 2013, 03:44:51 »

Truly. They really delivered what they promised. I can't enough praise that lighting, it was simply gorgeous. The REAL gameplay (where the player actually doesn't know the terrain or where to look at) might always be a bit different, but I don't think we have much to worry there: it looked SO good, played SO well, and worked SO good in every way I could think of that they can't go THAT much wrong. And think about it! Roughly a year's time for even more development!

Was it worth to stay up till 6 am GMT+3?

To put it simply,
Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, and YES.

Good night! :)

Report In! / Re: SGP: Secret detonator on CM:AS
« on: June 10, 2013, 20:08:18 »
Alright. Sounds like we need to get three players (at least) and science this. I propose these experiments:

-Two players at the same time
-Two players, with a second or two between to test  if the detonator arms once for everyone or individually
-Two players multiple times in the same run through to see if the detonator re-arms. Both staggered and simultaneously

(a third player, so two can keep jumping down te hole without having to go back a checkpoint)

I can't get on until Friday, but I'll be happy to put together a test plan spreadsheet after CG's own heart for data collection in the meantime.

Sounds good! The detonator here might always be a dummy for something us mere players could not understand, but maybe not! There have always been interesting switches in Bungie's games (and to be frank, ODST is all about switches, isn't it? :D Well, maybe not, but still.)

Theorizers / Re: SGP: Asklon = NOT AMG Transport Dynamics!
« on: June 10, 2013, 19:27:42 »
Nice follow-up, Imppa!

Credit goes for CIA too, I had almost forgot about this! ;)

But yeah, it really is cool it ended up being not just a can even wonder whether the other poster, "December - Infinity", has a planned meaning as well (Destiny released in December (of 2014(?)) -> to infinity and beyond?). Seeing that the Asklon logo resembles the Destiny logo to certain extent, and might even be the early stage of the logo, all of the appearances of Asklon in ODST could be seen as a shallow link to Destiny. (Mind you, the only connection between Asklon and AMG Transport Dynamics is the single snapshot from the early ODST Teaser that shows AMG with the Asklon logo.)

Maybe we might even see the mysterious Plinths in the future?

Theorizers / Re: SGP: QTA XII VI - "Confirmed" mysteries
« on: March 25, 2013, 19:47:39 »
Glorious! ;D Thank you for this, scat: with this, the research might finally reach an end. :D

On a side note: Scat, are you working? :o Or did you mean, like, school working? Not like, gotta-earn-my-living-now-working?

Halo 4 General Discussion / Re: Halo 4 Glyphs
« on: January 23, 2013, 19:40:37 »
Damn you hexagon! And damn you, seven blue dots!

And damn you, Halo 4 and the time I can't find for you!


FINALLY! At least SOMETHING has been given!

Now we can *finally* put up that Destiny board for speculation! ;D

(We wouldn't speculate too much, though, right? We are civilized, scientifical people, who don't just go around guessing...)

Anyway, I think this picture was first released on reddit, as a leak, because some post said something about reddit...And I guess Bungie found out and put the picture out officially.
Also, I am now quite certain that the game is some kind of post-apocalyptic dystopia sci-fi MMO RPG FPS WTF. (cwatididthar)

Notice that the url says "Third times the charm." Possibly noting that this is their third game (after Halo 3 and Reach) to be leacked like this?

Oh, and sorry for the humongous pic.

SGP Task Force: Arkive / Re: SGP: Asklon = AMG Transport Dynamics?
« on: November 22, 2012, 09:53:38 »
Huh, mystery solved, I suppose. All it took to look at the Halo Wikia article linked in the OP, and note that the following is stated on the Trivia section:

The sign on the Tterrab Industries building seen in the level Metropolis in Halo 2 originally read "Askloun".[5] The name was slightly altered in Halo 3: ODST.

Here is the Halo 2 First look (linked in the sources, good job Halo wikia :P), at 1:26.

How refreshing does this feel, finding answers after such a long time! :D If what the Trivia suggests is true, then the "Askloun" name was set aside for the inverse name of Mr. Barret, the graphics designer of the game, or simply changed to AMG Dynamics. In ODST, however, Askloun/Asklon was probably seen as a more viable choice for a ambiance-creating company, and thus AMG evolve to Asklon. There is still a possibility that AMG is a branch of Asklon, or vice versa, as both names are still used. The proof for that is to be found from Forza Motorsport 4, where at this trailer (time stamp 1:10, at the very beginning of the manufactures list) "Asklon" is listed. Yes, the game indeed does include M12 FAV "Warthog" as an easter egg. Here's the interesting part: In the game itself, it is seemingly manufactured by AMG, not Asklon. (0:24, Great video by the way.)
Perhaps both names are used, perhaps they mean the same, or perhaps Microsoft (and everyone else) is now confused about the whole thing.

The world might never know.

SGP Task Force: Arkive / Re: SGP: Asklon = AMG Transport Dynamics?
« on: November 22, 2012, 09:07:49 »
I'm posting this here quickly so that my findings don't roll off the chat log. I'm on a dimly trip to New York, so of course Ark's article is constantly on my mind. Tonight I happened to see a building that caught my eye on the skyline as being oddly familiar. It turns out the Citigroup Center is some kind of inspirational parent to this AMG/Asklon building.

OH YEAH THIS! I totally saw this on some movie that took place in New York. I also totally forgot about it though. xI
Thanks for putting it here! :P

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