Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary > Skulls

Skull 08: Boom (CONFIRMED)


Description (NOTE: There have been multiple descriptions):

Description 1:

--- Quote ---Doubles the damage radius of explosions.
--- End quote ---
Source: YouTube Video - "BTS: Anniversary Campaign"

Description 2:

--- Quote ---Explosions have twice the damage radius. Light fuse, run away.
--- End quote ---
Source: YouTube Video - "BTS: Anniversary Campaign"

Notable Comments:
This skull was revealed in the October 17, 2011 HaloWaypoint YouTube video "BTS: Anniversary Campaign"

Same as Halo: Reach's Cowbell.
Multiple descriptions found from the BTS video are probably there because they used clips from different builds for the video.

Are you sure it's the same as cowbell? In my experience, cowbell has had almost no affect on explosions whatsoever.


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