Author Topic: Ingame number/coding EE hint systems  (Read 7795 times)


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Ingame number/coding EE hint systems
« on: September 11, 2013, 02:48:24 »
 I am looking for any help available to use in game number/ lettering codes to further the search for secret content in ODST. If anyone can help point out in game codes for me to use in a hint search it would help greatly. These codes could be found in Campaign, or FF. I do not yet know if license plates apply. I will give them a look also. My progress is made in spurts due to scheduling. I will make an effort to report our findings. I will also introduce others to the EE hint system. I really is great fun! I hope to see you here.


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Re: Ingame number/coding EE hint systems
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2013, 05:04:06 »
Please explain what you mean by this "EE" system you keep posting about.


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Re: Ingame number/coding EE hint systems
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2013, 02:10:33 »
Ok dude, you need to slow down a little bit. Sorry for this, but my maternal instincts are kicking in.

Don't abbreviate things until we are all on the same page, because too much is getting lost in compression. We have no idea what this EE or ERR thing is. Please explain what these are.

If you reference something, provide a link if its the first reference in the thread. The SGP isn't just gathering this research for ourselves, but also for anyone who browses this site. While you do post the links later, this post would be a lot less confusing if you had posted the links in the first place.

Watch out for necroing. Unless you have some major work to post, it usually isn't worth it. This thread is a repeat of what you say here. However, that post is in a thread thats nearly four years old. See what I'm saying?

I'm personally glad you're here. Your ideas, research and work are valuable, and we want to hear it. However, none of it will be shared unless you communicate a bit more clearly.
ODST is all about switches, isn't it?

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Re: Ingame number/coding EE hint systems
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2013, 04:29:16 »
 Sorry for the late response. I actually tried to respond earlier today, but Lap top battery died.. I have not had much time yet to revisit ODST yet. I do remember number searches that were being done in relation to ODST. I remember Vehicle license plates were discovered to be Spartan service numbers. There were cut scene numbers/codes/times that were speculated about as to their meaning. While searching Halo 4 for Easter eggs I noticed one particular code that repeated throughout the game. This code was NER 1204. When I searched NER what I found was Named Entity Recognizer. Link I am not  a computer science major but basically NER is a system for information storage, and retrieval. In this Easter egg hint system there are several prefixes that I found in Halo 4.  Several prefixes may be used with a number suffix such as  NER, RR NR,ER., and ERR. For example, When I searched ER 1204 I found a hint for a Halo 4 Easter egg solution for the campaign level Composer. Now if I change the search prefix to NR 1204 it takes me to a Easter egg hint for ODST which I have not talked about yet. Link In this case NER 1204 takes you to a Youtube channel in which the real hint is video NR 1205. So with this first example I feel that this system if not an ARG itself, is meant to be used with existing ARG's. This system may be found to connect all Halo Arg's

 So before I'm asked the video NER 1205 may be referencing an rainbow ray ODST Easter Egg speculation I am working on. My speculation is that the Halo rainbow around the sun in ODST's Tayari Palza mission can be altered by activating switches for that part of the mission. I have not been able to confirm this yet since my last run. What I believe I activated was  2 rainbow rays emanating from the central Halo Rainbow. I do have video of this that is not yet rendered. I just have not been able to confirm that the rays are not present before my tinkering. If there was any activation it was not finished due to time. If the Halo was represented by a compass the rays were pointing west, and south. It kind of reminded me of Requiems interior beams.

Update: Bingo! I have taken a second look at the Halo Rainbow on Tayari Plaza without tinkering, and there appears to be no rays eliminating from it. I will post a vid of them soon.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2013, 17:31:17 by Atarigen »


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Re: Ingame number/coding EE hint systems
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2013, 00:38:08 »
I can't tell if I'm too behind to understand any of this, or if it's all just random speculation. Like how on earth is a wedding related to halo?
I feel it


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Re: Ingame number/coding EE hint systems
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2013, 01:06:12 »
EE  probably stands for Easter Egg, but a system to find them? What it seems that you've done is google up  something and find a wedding photo and a random timelapse, that seem to have no connection to Bungie, 343i or Halo in any way..what exactly is there in these pieces that makes them so relevant? Also, where exactly have you been seeing this NER 1204? An ubiquitous thing like that is interesting even by itself, shed some light into that!

And you must be talking about the actual halo of the sun, even though I don't think it's exactly the halo in question here..anyway, why would someone be able to alter something like that? Just for an easter egg?

I think your being maybe a bit too hasty in your conclusions Atari, but maybe your answers will clear things up a bit?

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« Last Edit: September 14, 2013, 05:00:18 by ColdGlider »
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Re: Ingame number/coding EE hint systems
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2013, 08:59:26 »
I assume hes referring to the Hints that 343i gave for Eggs in Halo 4. And trying them out in Halo ODST.
I give him credit like if that's what hes trying to do. Some things in Halo 4 appeared after a certain amount of time, and after you killed a lot of stuff. Something that could be applied if we find the correct position.

I believe that's where maps come in.
A frog once said if you read this you'll die but how would he know you'll die. He's a frog and frogs can't talk. Who would listen to this frog. So to read this he just wasted your life for a few minutes meaning you are closer to dying anyway so the frog was telling the truth but frogs can't talk?


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Re: Ingame number/coding EE hint systems
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2013, 11:11:14 »
I assume hes referring to the Hints that 343i gave for Eggs in Halo 4. And trying them out in Halo ODST.
I give him credit like if that's what hes trying to do. Some things in Halo 4 appeared after a certain amount of time, and after you killed a lot of stuff. Something that could be applied if we find the correct position.

I believe that's where maps come in.

I've been very inactive on 343i's site (, so what kinds of hints are we talking about, and what kinds of eggs? I'm sorry, but I'm just totally ignorant about this stuff...and I do feel like I should've been more active there. Oh well..
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Re: Ingame number/coding EE hint systems
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2013, 15:30:45 »
I will see if I can find for you examples

All the eggs that were hinted were found... just I cant remember them ;-;
A frog once said if you read this you'll die but how would he know you'll die. He's a frog and frogs can't talk. Who would listen to this frog. So to read this he just wasted your life for a few minutes meaning you are closer to dying anyway so the frog was telling the truth but frogs can't talk?


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Re: Ingame number/coding EE hint systems
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2013, 15:43:55 »
yeah, I've followed through on the links and some of the info provided by Atarigen.

And from the info and the links in the posts I can kind of see, some of it.

However it would go along way if you could put together a structured post explaining in more detail how you are making the connections??

For example. I too have found the photo of the wedding and understand how you got there, but to which Easter egg it relates and how, I do not know??

Also I am intrigued as to the switches you mentioned in Tayari Palaza I must have missed them?? And why that video specifically??

So this is a polite request, Atarigen, please give us some more to go on, so we can get our heads around your theories and be as helpful as we can?? please.

Atari you have my full attention :)

And I know this is a bit naughty but please can anyone help with this


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Re: Ingame number/coding EE hint systems
« Reply #10 on: September 17, 2013, 08:58:35 »
 New example: While looking at the super glyph thread which I cant find now, and the new decoding thread I was inspired to use the hint system. I started with Sadie's story circle 1 Arc 2. This is the process I started with Makupa 40786. I dropped Makupa and added prefix NR to 40786. The web search for NR 40786 lead me to interesting Avatars. I was unable to revisit the glyph thread to compare. Maybe someone could help me, as I am still learning to navigate here. Here are Avatar 1 ,and Avatar 2. To me they resemble components to the Engineer glyphs. Please tell me what you think.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2013, 09:00:37 by Atarigen »


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Re: Ingame number/coding EE hint systems
« Reply #11 on: September 17, 2013, 10:45:29 »
New example: While looking at the super glyph thread which I cant find now, and the new decoding thread I was inspired to use the hint system. I started with Sadie's story circle 1 Arc 2. This is the process I started with Makupa 40786. I dropped Makupa and added prefix NR to 40786. The web search for NR 40786 lead me to interesting Avatars. I was unable to revisit the glyph thread to compare. Maybe someone could help me, as I am still learning to navigate here. Here are Avatar 1 ,and Avatar 2. To me they resemble components to the Engineer glyphs. Please tell me what you think.

I don't think there's any connection...even of they look similar in a way, neither ofthem seem to have anything that would connect them to Bungie or Halo. Also I'm still not convinced of this NER or NR or the system anyways: has it lead to Eggs in Halo 4? And most importantly, I'm truly interested to know, where have you found it?

And, uh, kind of off-topic, but...I dunno. About hinting Eggs, that is. It's something that Bungie did very scarcely (the two times I remember being the Dancing Marty and the Pelican on Reach, but even those were just "it's in this level"), and I think it was just fine. I mean, isn't it nice to find them yourself, by accident or trough hard work? Then again, I think that by far most of all the easter eggs I've seen were shown to me by my friend or youtube..I guess it's just "uncool" for a game developper to go around a and be like "Look guys! Look what cool hidden stuff here is!"

Okay, 343i is not like that, tey're cool, and in the end it's not a big deal. I just feel a bit uncomfortable about it.
Yeah, let's really leave it there. It's not a big deal, I'm just not used to it. There. /rant /offtopic

Alright, so:
Tell some more background about this NER 1204! I really am eager to know!
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Re: Ingame number/coding EE hint systems
« Reply #12 on: September 18, 2013, 03:46:51 »
 I'm sorry to hear about your doubts, but not having used this system your self I can understand. This NER/ ERR has been around at least since Halo3. I actually have stumbled onto it a few times not knowing it was a search tool. Your right Bungie made us scratch our heads for a good long while before any egg assistance would be delivered. I imagine it works like this. On some level I'm sure game designers want you to find their crafty gems. On the other hand I sometimes imagine it's kind of like bragging rights for developers if we never fine a well hidden egg. I just recently viewed some old Bungie employees H3/ ODST screenshots, and found  eggs have been waiting there for sometime. Or just eggs I have never seen before. I have seen many, but I still find eggs that are new to me . This happened in my recent ODST runs. For instance I knew there were Cortana AI chips that could be found in certain Reach maps. I never noticed that there was at least one in ODST.  I don't think I picked up on that before. Any way back to NER 1204. The hints just don't spell it out for you, it still requires a little twirl of your noodle with your chop sticks . I do not know if this search system was meant only to be used by gamers, or was also a tool for ARG MODs. What I do know is this. There are still numerous unsolved eggs in Halo 4 with a level high level complexity to them. Which is where I became fully aware of the search tools value to the Hunter.  I do not know of anyone other than myself  Bungie, 343 and ARG Moderators who use the search tool.  When I first found this tube channel I know I was onto something. To find the hint /ARG content your going to have to surf around. This channel has a song called Cyborgs Never Die. The channel has been edited since I first found it, but did have a reference to Frankie goes to Hollywood. This was a joke about Frank O'Conner going to Hollywood to film his cameo as Beamish in FUD. I really hope Beamish will find his was into Halo5,6,7,8. LOL The Easter egg hint on the channel was a skydive vid with music obscured by rushing wind. You see I had found several musical Waypoints in Halo 4 campaign level Dawn.  These musical waypoints could be turned on, and off. Sometimes the music was very faint making it difficult to make out. The vid affirmed I was making progress with the musical progression. These waypoints are now active in DLC maps and also indicate proper locations for Easter egg activations. There are loads of unfinished eggs in H4. I also suspect that learning H4 Easter egg teqnique was essential for a return to ODST.

Sometimes I imagine that Sadie would look like this

This was also found in the photos of the same flicker account Does this remind you of anything?
« Last Edit: September 18, 2013, 05:39:12 by Atarigen »


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Re: Ingame number/coding EE hint systems
« Reply #13 on: September 18, 2013, 14:48:44 »
Atarigen, in SGP we want to go with the labcoat approach. This means that if there are finds, they have to have something they are based upon, screenshots and some coordinates preferrably, if we're talking of something in-game. They need proof, solid evidence.

So, could you, for Science, show or at least explain in detail, where Exactly did you find NER 1204?
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Re: Ingame number/coding EE hint systems
« Reply #14 on: September 19, 2013, 02:38:41 »
Also, you mention a Cortana chip being found in ODST. Can you describe where this is so others can find it?
ODST is all about switches, isn't it?

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