Halo Reach > Intel

There (won't really) be ARG!

(1/2) > >>

Or marketing, at least.

Inspired by you, Imppa, I looked into Iris. While rummaging through summaries, I found a reference to to the Halo 3 BELIVE project. I thought, "Hey, there is was a www.halo3.com/believe, why can't www.halo3odst.com/believe exist?" You know, like the believe wall? Click the link to find out. :(

On a side note, www.halo3-odst.com is for sale  @:


--- Quote from: nightcrafter27 on August 12, 2010, 02:47:01 ---Inspired by you, Imppa, I looked into Iris. While rummaging through summaries, I found a reference to to the Halo 3 BELIVE project. I thought, "Hey, there is was a www.halo3.com/believe, why can't www.halo3odst.com/believe exist?" You know, like the believe wall? Click the link to find out. :(

On a side note, www.halo3-odst.com is for sale  @:

--- End quote ---
Is there anyone that ACTUALLY uses those sites in anything?

It's probably people who think maybe Bungie needs the site so they will buy it from them xD.

On another note, looks like they are working on http://www.haloreach.com/.

Hey, looks like they use google-analytics too. View page source and go to the bottom.

Sorry, Imppa... had to rename this thread!


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