Halo Reach > Halo Reach: Beta

Victim of the Ban hammer..


Since the Beta came out I have only fancied playing Swat, with that being said when I didn't get a map or game type I wanted, I would quit and find another match.  If this had been the actual game (not a Beta) I wouldn't need to quit because I would be playing the game types I actually enjoy. Now the Ban hammer has arrived in the Beta and it has tallied my previous quit outs, it knows my smell, despite my change of heart on quitting Mr.. Ban warns me every time I start the Beta, that if I quit I will be placed on time out.

Now all that is fine and good, but since the Hammer showed up I have been a good boy..So why does it taunt me?

Yesterday I was playing a SWAT match 1 of my team members quit (which is fine because he/she sucked anyways). So I SWATed it up, took the lead and then I was disconnected.......I quickly fixed the problem, logged back in started the Beta and wouldn't you know....15min BAN....I DIDN'T quit! Already the Ban hammer is presuming instead of gathering fact's its being assumptions, It assumes I have quit on purpose, REALLY!?... Why the halo would I quit a game where I am dominating?!?!?

I have still have not quit a game and am plagued by horrible game types due to the broken voting system. Why would you start Banning/ time outs NOW? Its obviously a GAMEIST!!

One thing i wish the banhammer did, was figure out if whenever you quit, your account your currently on goes offline. If it does, i think it should not count as a quit. But then i guess people will just sign out.

Yea, its a double edged hammer..

It's a moot point.  If they didn't penalize you for timing out, people would just yank their network cables to avoid the ban.  It would suck, but it would work.  By the time you reconnected to the net, signed back into XBL, and actually got matched into a game you probably could have played through the game you quit from.

Anyhow, I take away two things from this:

1)  Don't quit games or Bungie will punish you.
2)  Bungie still hasn't figured out a matchmaking system that caters to the varied tastes of their customers, so players are forced to quit. 

It's a vicious cycle.

Do you like it NOW CG!?!?! Because I HATE it!!



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