Halo ODST > SGP Task Force: Marty

SGP: List of In-Game Occurrences of OST Songs (WIP)

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couldnt we get the songs by looking in hex or something? im not big on that stuff but it oculd work. But would that be modding, which youve stated you dont like?

"looking in hex", as you put it, would be a pale shadow of what is known as hacking.  (A true hack would be to modify the ODST code in a clever way to allow the use of Phantoms, for example.)  It's likely a violation of multiple Terms of Service agreements if not illegal.  It's at least legally actionable.  And it's very, very unsporting. 

It would be somewhat like finding your Christmas presents before Christmas and peeling back the wrapping paper to see what they were- you wouldn't be able to have the presents yet, you'd just know that you might be able to receive them at the right time.  To put it plainly, it's cheating.

The SGP has indeed grown to encompass many things beyond its initial purpose, which was to unlock the mystery of the in-game glyphs without cheating.  I don't intend to expand our little cove to make a home for filthy pirates, shameless hackers, or rogue hardware modders. 

Do you like the music of Halo3: ODST?   Yeah?  Know the guy who wrote most of it?  When asked what he thought about people who posted entire soundtracks on YouTube, his answer was something like "those people are dead to me."  And do you really want to piss off "the dancing guy"?

Besides, if you really want to decode hex for the sake of Halo 3: ODST just look at the background of this wallpaper that Pulse Cloud provided links to in his recent post.  On the right side is a block of gray text labeled "> RESP CODE:".  Guess what that is?  HEX! 

And before anyone makes a post about "howz do i reed teh hex codez?", the answer is: figure it out! (that's the true spirit of the SGP right there, btw.)


Worst case scenerio and all...
Bungie counted on the same thing as the 'hayabusa' helmet to happen again, so they use any leftover space to drive the hackers into a hide and seek game..just so bungie still makes them work, lol.
The worst case part? What if bungie intended for the hex to be looked into? O_o
(?)Dun dun duunnnnn(?)

As far as Bungie responding to the Hayabusa debacle... my little hypothesis is that they did two things:

1)  "So you wanna look at hex codes, huh?  Well here ya go, kids!"
2)  "Well if we don't put the easter egg logic on the game disc, they won't be able to find it will they?"

If you're familiar with how the Recon armor is unlocked and you also consider the ubiquity of network communication with Bungie servers while you play ODST (stats, photos, Intel menu) the second item isn't such a great leap of possibility.  Personally, I think it would be spectacular if they did it that way.


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