Halo Reach > Halo Reach General Discussion

Hog jumping

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Epic, we should do this.

Interestingly enough, our videos enticed him to ask to me join his clan. Message:

Hey, You have some really nice Halo: Reach glitch videos. Its too bad people don't subscribe though to the real good glitchers. Well anyways I am starting to get being popular on YouTube. We do a variety of games like Left 4 Dead, Halo: Reach, Black Ops. Well I was wondering if you wanted to join us. Sense we are really good glitchers and we both make videos. I figure we could work together. You can message us on YouTube or Send us a friend request. The thing is we are getting sponsered by GuruKidHD and all them. And if we wanna keep glitching then we need to find some glitches. I figure if you join us. It works both ways. Well hit me up!
Sent to: scatcycle01

It's a small world.

Insane Monx:
His video of the warthog launch shows further development of the exact same thing me and Scat were doing on the Falcon.

To think that we could've ended up getting up there, but Scat probably would've wanted to look for Bobs instead @:

I'd like to know: how many people are in his clan?


--- Quote from: nightcrafter27 on June 03, 2011, 05:08:52 ---I'd like to know: how many people are in his clan?

--- End quote ---



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