Halo ODST > SGP Task Force: Black Ops

SGP: Theories - Inaccessible Areas

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If it helps, I've been in area 09.. I mean ALL over area 09 but my friend lost his connection and I can't recover the video... But a tip to get over the ever omnipresent plasma barriers... the plasma coils... you know them from forge. push it up to the barrier and stand on it... it helps if it is upright or upside down (its taller that way) now have your friend stand on your head and then (you or your friend) throw a 'nade at it and as it explodes do a double jump... It takes a few tries so you might want to wait for a check point before you blow it up...

EDIT: Another note. Make sure the guy who isn't going over the top either dies in the explosion or has a means to cause his death nearby or on hand. That way you can both poke around!

If you were to do this in District 00, I believe you'd enter a dark area.  Can you?!?

mob legndkiller:
If anyone wants to do this and needs help i would gladly do so. My gamertag is the same as my account name spelling and all.

VsH Tepec Fett:
Hi !

Yes, you can go in some dark areas, in sector 0, sector 9 and sector 5 (i haven't take pics for this one yet, but it'll be done soon), and you can see the videos in my file share (barrière bleue and barrière bleue2 ).

But, like i said on bungie forums, there's nothing interesting in those black areas, and :

--- Quote --- I explored 3 black areas at present, in sector 9, sector 0 and sector 5 ; those black areas didn't need any loading sequence, and they're not totally blocked by these huge doors saying "Lane Closed" (there is some other way to get in).
This is different with the Sectors 2, 1 (except during the mission "Coastal Highway", because you are in a part of sector 1 during this mission) and Sector 7 : they are totally blocked by these doors, and that means they need a loading sequence to be "actives" .
I tried to get in sector 7 and 2 by the black area in district 5, but the doors are still there, so it's, with the little knowledge i have, impossible at present.
The "Mongoose way" someone told here, and i used to go in many "secrets rooms" like i said before, doesn't work, because of the width of these doors, and because, again, of the loading sequence these districts require to be activated.
Moreover, the invisible ceiling doesn't allow us to go above these doors.
One of the only possibilities i see now to get in these 3 black areas in Mombasa Streets is to find a secret room that allow us to go from sector 8 to sector 7 (it could be possible, but i'm very sceptic about that).
The other possibility could be to find a way to go above this invisible ceiling ; but i tried with other glitchers, but, we just succeeded to go on some high zone, but not above the ceiling.
--- End quote ---

Moreover, about those "secrets rooms", that are in fact "non-used rooms, so non-finished and locked rooms" :

--- Quote ---A mate found how to get in some secrets rooms , normally blocked by security doors which cannot be opened ... But we don't think we've found all of them, and i actually don't believe we could find one with a sword.
--- End quote ---

I think those districts in black are just there because of the way Bungie could create ODST game :
I believe that they created New Mombasa Streets, and then decided where they could place the "mission beacons" and audio files ; when it was done, they saw that some biiig districts were un-used, and, as they used same building models, they thought that these useless districts would contribuate to make players "loose their way" in the city. So they locked Districts 1, 2 and 7.

But i Believe that, if there is a chance to go in these non loaded districts, that could be by a glitch, in the District 10, by crossing above the invisible ceiling and doing some "out of map" (i don't know how you say that).

I hope my experience and opinion will help you,


P.S. : sorry for my crap English, i'm French ... I hope you will understand !

[EDIT] If we believe that go into those black sectors doesn't need "the glitch way" , it is possible that we need to play in particular difficulty (Legendary ? I tried to play it in Normal difficulty in co-op with two other players, and nothing was different) , but i don't think this way could require some achievements or Recon Armour ... Maybe a secondary skull ? "I Would Have Been Your Father" if we hope an unusual answer from the Super Intendant, or "Blind" because of the fact that it make the game so much harder ! Maybe in Legendary, solo, with all skulls activated : for Halo 3, some guys called that the "Mythic Difficulty" , Bungie could have done something in this way ... Couldn't they ?

Cool that you have in-game pictures of being there, but your links are a bit messed up, you need to take out 'url=http//" for them to work.

It is very likely that the sectors are supposed to be left alone, but with the glyph unlocking one room, who knows!


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