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Messages - Apollo Doom

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Theorizers / Re: SGP: The Hollow Men Theory
« on: October 15, 2009, 21:50:50 »
Just a heads up to everyone in this that I'll be online this evening from about 10/11PM EST to 1AM EST.  We should try this!  (my gamertag is the same as my name on thie board)

"Well ColdGlider, you've done a lot for us but your time has come.  Gentlemen, set the funeral pyre.  Flame grenades in 3...2...1..."

Theorizers / Re: lead
« on: October 15, 2009, 21:47:09 »
I've been wondering what the difference in the glyphs means in reference to Staten's statement in OXM.  It occurred to me that the different sets of symbols in the A and B glyphs may represent Elites vs. Brutes.  

We know that the Schism has started before ODST begins (hence the dead Elites and the Brutes they faced off with) so perhaps the glyphs are representing ships/battalions/individuals in space or on Earth.  I feel this is further supported by the 2 sets of symbols are nearly identical in their design aspect and only differ in the details of their execution.

Even if its not the Elites and Brutes, I think that the A and B glyphs are either representing 1 thing in 2 different ways, or a pair of related ideas/items/objects.

Theorizers / Re: Engineers and Stonehenge
« on: October 15, 2009, 19:03:21 »
Oh ho!  This is a great idea, I'll have to try it out tonight.  First step: figuring out how long the sequence is, the Engineers go over and over the same areas it seems but is there any variation?

As I've been traveling through the city I've noted that the most ubiquitous signage is from Asklon.  It occurred to me today that I didn't recall entering any buildings that were not Asklon Buildings in any of the missions.  Excluding NMPD, ONI and if you count Uplift Reserve as property of New Mombasa Uplift.  With this in mind I began to wander the streets to all the buildings I remembered entering.  

I looked enough to find 5 open buildings on MS, they're shown on the map below.  Each building contained at least the 2 basic Asklon posters, some contained monitors showing the Asklon logo or Asklon graph poster reaching infinity.

SGP Task Force: Arkive / Re: What ever hasn't been covered...
« on: October 14, 2009, 21:36:24 »
This is a pretty good aggregate, I never noticed the Web-Os! 

I assume this is yours to maintain yes? 

SGP Task Force: 7 / Re: 07-07-2010 7:07PM
« on: October 14, 2009, 21:31:15 »
Umm, weird.  The 360's clock only allows you to go from 2005 to 2025. 

Even if there's nothing to do with the Campaign easter eggs we are on the seach for, I think it might be worth it to try out holidays/bungie day/etc on the FF maps.  Especially with what shows up in maps like Valhalla when you do this.

SGP Task Force: 7 / Re: 07-07-2010 7:07PM
« on: October 14, 2009, 20:25:09 »
Maybe if you set it to 7.7.07 at 07:07?  Time traveling Rookie time travels?

OR (just occurred to me!) perhaps set it to the year and date that ODST happens but in this century (X.X.52)?

SGP Task Force: Ghost Chasers / Re: SGP: Saving the engineer
« on: October 14, 2009, 15:04:14 »
What if we tried going in w/4 players from multiple angles and everyone having snipers?  Does the Engineer already have the explosives on him and the interaction is just a script?  Or do they actually attach them when you show up?

Theorizers / SGP: Connections between unknown logos and skulls?
« on: October 13, 2009, 01:30:35 »
So ColdGlider and I were discussing details and theories of ODST last night and he mentioned the corporate logo which we don't know the company name for.  This is the green 'e' with a 3/4 circle around it missing the lower left quadrant.  I noticed today that the skulls are all surrounded by 3/4 circles with different quadrants missing.  Perhaps there is a connection in the design of these two symbols.

Has anyone else ever noticed this?

I don't really know what to posit as a reasonable theory, I know this connection is very tenuous and far-fetched.  I am unsure whether you can access the corporate building of 'e', I will explore this tonight.

Intel / SGP: ODST Cutscene Library and the Rookie Speaks
« on: October 13, 2009, 01:22:49 »
Just another random tidbit that many of us know but I think its important to note in particular:
Once you have completed the audio log collections the cutscene at the end of Data Hive changes.  In the new ending is the only time we hear the Rookie vocalize in the entire game.  Well, except for grunts of pain and sighs of relief.  

The Rookie only ever speaks the language of the Engineers

You can view this and all the rest of the ODST cutscenes plus variants at HBO:

Well given that our conversation last night also focused on the timeline, I'd say yes!

Saw that someone posted this video on bnet, might be helpful for those of us who have been trying to visualize the timeline between the games.  It syncs up the cutscenes and plays them next to each other, very nice.

Oooo, I like this idea!  I'll have to give them another listen!

Theorizers / Re: SGP: Audiofiles
« on: October 12, 2009, 15:16:33 »
I think you're right about the audiofiles having more hidden within them.  Especially since subliminal messages and weird clue-finding is what 4th walls is all about. 

Some part of them could point to more in-game Easter Eggs, but I think the implication of the quote is just the changes in Data Hive.

Theorizers / Re: SGP: Audiofiles
« on: October 12, 2009, 14:48:58 »
I'm pretty sure this is a reference to the change in the Data Hive level and the cutscene when you reach the SI.  There could be more but both these changes are fairly significant so I doubt it.

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