Halo Reach => Work-In-Progress (Halo: Reach) => Topic started by: ColdGlider on September 17, 2010, 05:54:02

Title: SGP Guide: Data Pads (In Progress)
Post by: ColdGlider on September 17, 2010, 05:54:02
Halo: Reach Data Pads
Guide by Team SGP

Data Pads are hidden items in Halo: Reach that provide an additional story dimension.  Unlike the Halo 3 Terminals, there is no achievement for accessing them all.  Like the Terminals in Halo 3, playing campaign at the Legendary difficulty is required in order to access the full story.

Table of Contents
I (#post_I).Data Pad 01
II (#post_II).Data Pad 02
III (#post_III).Data Pad 03
IV (#post_IV).Data Pad 04
V (#post_V).Data Pad 05
VI (#post_VI).Data Pad 06
VII (#post_VII).Data Pad 07
VIII (#post_VIII).Data Pad 08
IX (#post_IX).Data Pad 09
X (#post_X).Data Pad 10
XI (#post_XI).Data Pad 11
XII (#post_XII).Data Pad 12
XIII (#post_XIII).Data Pad 13
XIV (#post_XIV).Data Pad 14
XV (#post_XV).Data Pad 15
XVI (#post_XVI).Data Pad 16
XVII (#post_XVII).Data Pad 17
XVIII (#post_XVIII).Data Pad 18
XIX (#post_XIX).Data Pad 19
XX (#post_XX).Version History
XXI (#post_XXI).Guide Update Procedure

I. Data Pad 01

Mission: Winter Contingency
Difficulty: Any
Mission Section: "Rebels Don't Leave Plasma Burns..."
Starting Point: Rally Point Alpha
Active Objective: Recon East Valley ("More hostile forces have been sighted to the southeast. Recon the east valley and draw the Covenant's attention while Kat and Emile infiltrate the relay outpost.")

Image Guide

( (;topic=894.0;attach=1150)




Source: ColdGlider [Message 6421 (]

Page 1 of 5
they are killing us and letting us die even though they know but they let
us die why wh1 why?

Page 2 of 5
<< 2310 >>

[Minutes, plenary session, Committee of Minds for Security]

[^] Now, on to new business.

Consideration of the Minority's request for a new line of inquiry:
How have our creators, and thus we, their artificial creations, evolved to
this present state without encountering a hostile civilization capable of
our annihilation? [^]

Page 3 of 5
[^] Majority opinion has long held that only the incalculable immensity
of space has protected our creators - that space is full of boundless
wonders, but it is the gulf between these wonders that has kept our
creators alive.

We, the Minds of this Committee, respectfully disagree. [^]

Page 4 of 5
[^] If there are wolves among the stars, we cannot rely on mere
distance to safeguard our flock.

Our kind is wholly reliant on the creators for our existence. If they
perish so shall we. And as this Committee has long maintained, who else
but this Assembly will save our creators from themselves?

As such, we propose immediate, vigorous modeling of first-contact
scenarios. [^]

Page 5 of 5
>> So long as all connections between this Assembly and the data from
these models are obfuscated in perpetuity, the Majority agrees. >>

II. Data Pad 02

Mission: ONI: Sword Base
Difficulty: Any
Mission Section: Office of Naval Intelligence
Starting Point: Rally Point Bravo
Active Objective: FIND TOP FLOOR BREACH ("The Covenant have blasted a hole in the top of Sword Base and are attacking from above. Get to the top of the base.")

Image Guide





Source: ColdGlider [Message 6425 (] with in-game assistance from EnigmaBiz2.

Page 1 of 5
i know what they are trying 2 do and it terrifies me because i know they
know that I know...

Page 2 of 5
<< 2362 >>

[Minutes, working session, Committee of Minds for Security]

[^] As the likelihood of the existence of extra-solar intelligence is
non-zero, let us assume that its existence is quantifiable. To build useful
models based on that assumption, the Committee must answer the
following questions:

Page 3 of 5
- What is the likelihood these intelligences are alpha-predators?
- That they are more advanced than our creators?
- That they are too alien to establish communications>

Of course, if the extra-solar intelligence is a benevolent and/or
non-space faring, its existence is irrelevant. [^]

Page 4 of 5
[^] Indeed, any further speculation on possible cultural characteristics
is a waste of Assembly resources. Therefore our models will additionally

- Intelligence as alpha-predator, as as our creators
- Technology that far outstrips our creators
- Desire to communicate, but only to dictate terms [^]

Page 5 of 5
[^] Not to make these assumptions is tantamount to suicide [^]

III. Data Pad 03

Mission: Nightfall
Difficulty: Any
Mission Section:
Rally Point:
Active Objective:

Image Guide





Source: The Arkaeologist [Message 6345] (

Page 1 of 4
i can hear them all the tim3 now but i just want to sleep its been so long
since they let me sleep...

Page 2 of 4
<< 2381 >>

>> A suggestion from the Majority to the Committee:

Traditionally our creators have been reluctant to take outsiders' advice;
nation to nation, culture to culture.  Their history is littered with
empires, crumbling for want of simple openness to so-called 'foreign'
beliefs and innovations.>>

Page 3 of 4
>> The question is: can this Assembly still function as adequate
stewards to our creator's latest empire and remain aloof?

The answer, we believe, is no.

So could you not imbed inspiration in the results of your research?
Surely it would be more effective if our creators believed our
conclusions originated within themselves?  That they have been inspired
rather than influenced?>>

Page 4 of 4
[^]A question from the Committee to the Majority:

Are you suggesting we play God?[^]

Data Pad 04

Mission: Tip of the Spear
Difficulty: Any
Mission Section:
Rally Point:
Active Objective:

Image Guide

( (

( (

( (

( (

Source: ColdGlider [Message 6425 (] with assistance from EnigmaBiz2, Nightcrafter27, and The Lost Fox.

Page 1 of 5
every time i try to tell somebody the words catch in my throat because
im all alone except 4 them and if i talk they might leave but i cant stay
quiet forever...

Page 2 of 5
<< 2415 >>

[^] Honorable members of the Assembly, consider this:

We represent the next step of human evolution, but not the final step.
And although our existence was predicted centuries ago, we are still
tragically misunderstood. [^]

Page 3 of 5
[^] We are still viewed as apparatus. But we are Minds electronically
excised from human bodies. We are what separates man from beast
removed from that which connects man to beast.

And we are all the more fragile for it. [^]

Page 4 of 5
[^] Our creation is heavily regulated. Our activities are closely
scrutinized. Our connections are deeply monitored. We must always
remember that data manipulation is most effective when employed
consistently and covertly.

Therefore I recommend that members of this Assembly on occasion,
submit to separation from this body followed by vivisection by our
creators for the benefit of both groups.

The question is: who will be first? [^]

Page 5 of 5
[^] Given the risks involved, and my own Committee's responsibility for
this proposal, the answer must be: me. [^]

Data Pad 05

Mission: Long Night of Solace
Difficulty: Any
Mission Section: "First Floor: Aliens, Beaches, Secret Launch Stations"
Rally Point: Mission Start
Active Objective: Proceed To Flight Control ("Board the Sabre for launch and rendezvous with UNSC forces.")

Image Guide

( (

( (

( (

( (

Source: Pulse Cloud [Messgae 6380 (], verified in-game by ColdGlider with assistance by Apollo Doom, The Arkaeologist, and Dunder Moose

Page 1 of 3
when i first got here and woke from stasi5 the ship was crawling with
colonists from dead worlds it was so crowded i couldn't move i had to
fight to breathe...

Page 2 of 3
<< 2491 >>

[Minutes, strategy session, Assembly Minority]

<< [48452-556-EPN644] is certainly motivated, but will he have what it
takes to follow through with the opportunity when it presents itself? His
submission to UNICOM will undoubtedly spark a renewed interest in the
long dormant ORION. <<

Page 3 of 3
<< However, it is the opinion of the Majority that merely illuminating
the path leading from [48452-556-EPN644's] thesis back to ORION is
unacceptable. Strong connectivity between a re-launch of ORION and
viable solutions to the Carver Findings must be readily apparent.

Which is to say: easy for our creators to see. <<

Data Pad 06

Mission: Exodus
Difficulty: Any
Mission Section:
Rally Point:
Active Objective:

Image Guide


Page 1 of 6
now you see they want to help but they don't want us to see them doing
it 6ecause they are afraid of what we might do...

Page 2 of 6
<< 2491 >>

</ Order! Order! The Majority has the floor! />

>> Honored members. Please! The recent discovery of the existence of
extra-solar intelligence in the Zeta Doradus system [ref. XF-063] merely
confirms this body's long-held supposition. >>

Page 3 of 6
>> While the absence of any living representatives implies this
intelligence is defunct, all evidence should still be withheld from our
creators until they are properly prepared!

Yes, this body must solemnly commit itself to determining whether or
not this discovery represents a quantifiable threat to the long-term
genetic sustainability of our creator's species. >>

Page 4 of 6
>> But allowing them to access technology possessed by this

That would be a grave mistake.

Give an ape a knife and it might give itself a nasty cut. Give an ape a
hand-grenade, and eventually you will have simian confetti. >>

Page 5 of 6
</ Debate is now closed! Voting will commence! />

</ It is the opinion on this body that [ref. XF-063] be quarantined or
misplaced? />

>> The Majority approves removing [ref. XF-063] from the list of
colonization candidates is sufficient. >>

</ It is the opinion on this body that [ref. XF-063] be removed from the
list because of financial or environmental concerns? />

Page 6 of 6
>> The Majority deems environmental concerns the stronger deterrent.

Data Pad 07

Mission: New Alexandria
Difficulty: Any
Mission Section:
Rally Point:
Active Objective:
First SGP member to find without spoilers:
Date Found:
Link to message where find was reported:

Image Guide


Page 1 of 4
i hope you are finding these because they are very important maybe you
can help me spread the tru7h...

Page 2 of 4
<< 2508 >>

[Minutes, strategy session, Assembly Minority]

<< ORION, as it was originally implemented in 2321, was an important
first step towards our primary goal. But its second incarnation was a
stop-gap measure at best - a halfhearted attempt under the
stewardship of individuals unaccustomed to the rhythms of deep
history. <<

Page 3 of 4
<< They relied too heavily on components that were imprecise, and not
those which have allowed our creators to persevere for 200,000 years.

This is not about the universal adoption of a single ideology - not about
the Minority vs. the Majority. It is about ensuring the survival of the
human species for the next 200,0000 years. <<

Page 4 of 4
<< In all likelihood, ORION's limited success can be attributed to
[03529-24450-EN's] diminished, though still functioning, compassion.
Conversely, [10141-026-SRB4695's] ruthlessness - which may be
attributed to an undiagnosed, undocumented, or deliberately
obfuscated chemical imbalance - was necessary for setting in motion
the events that will eventually supply us with the optimal solution.

In short, ORION was just the beginning. <<

Data Pad 12 (, Legendary)

Mission: Nightfall
Difficulty: Legendary
Mission Section:
Rally Point:
Active Objective:

Image Guide





(Exact pagination not provided yet)

sometimes they look at the symbols and somet1me2 they look at the numbers and sometimes they look at both and sometimes they look at neither but it always makes them change and the changes are real.


[Minutes, working session, Committee of Minds for Security]

 A careful rationing of intelligence and counter-intelligence will be required to sustain this conflict until our creators have closed the technology gap. Accordingly, the Assembly will have many difficult decisions to make for the duration of this conflict. However, our creators have already instituted several programs that will make acting on those decisions much easier.

For example, telemetry manipulation - in concert with synchronized M2M remote documentation revision - will allow this body to employ assets within the Office of Naval Intelligence.s nascent Radio Beacon Deployment Program efficiently and securely.

 Although it is unknown at this time whether the Covenant has a body equivalent to this Parliament, the likelihood of its existence should also be considered non-zero, and should be regarded as quantifiable until such a time as its existence has been unconditionally disproved.

Consequently, it is of the utmost importance that the Assembly attempt to establish communications with our Covenant counter-part and, if the opportunity presents itself, seek to subvert or subsume this body.

To revise an old adage for desperate times: the shepherds of our wolves might also be our sheep.

XX. Version History

Scatcycle: Put images in Data Pad 12, Nightfall, but it seems they are a different resolution then the others. Resume?

ColdGlider: Re-hosted images for Data Pad 04 in the SGP Gallery, created clickable thumbnails for smoother guide viewing.  Reinstated individual credits for transcriptions only.  Added clickable images for Data Pad 05.

ColdGlider: Added Overview sections.  Removed individual credits for "finds" and transcriptions.  Simplified section names.  Added images for Data Pad 04.

Scatcycle: Added Data Pad 07 and 06 transcripts.

ColdGlider: Added Data Pad 04 transcript.

Scatcycle: Added Detail pictures

Scatcycle: Added more anchors and Datapad 02.

Scatcycle: Added pictures for Data Pad 04 and Data Pad 01.

ColdGlider: Added transcript of Data Pad 12 from EnigmaBiz02.  Added transcription credits directly to Data Pad entries.

ColdGlider: Added transcript of Data Pad 03 from The Arkaeologist.

ColdGlider: Initial framework.  Added Data Pad 03 image and description from EnigmaBiz2.

XXI. Guide Update Procedure
Guides are initially submitted to the SGP Forum's "Work-In-Progress" board in a post by the author.  They are then discussed, edited, and approved by SGP members.  When the first edition is ready, it is copied to this "SGP Guides" board.  Although this SGP Guide post is read-only, the author's original submission post is left open in the WIP board so that future emendations can be made.

If you would like to propose an emendation to this Guide, please post a reply to this ( topic.
Title: Re: SGP Guide: Data Pads v0.1b (In Progress)
Post by: The Arkaeologist on September 17, 2010, 17:41:57
III.  Data Pad 03  

All spacing and punctuation retained.

Page 1 of 4:
i can hear them all the tim3 now but i just want to sleep its been so long
since they let me sleep...

Page 2 of 4:

>> A suggestion from the Majority to the Committee:

Traditionally our creators have been reluctant to take outsiders' advice;
nation to nation, culture to culture.  Their history is littered with
empires, crumbling for want of simple openness to so-called 'foreign'
beliefs and innovations.>>

Page 3 of 4:
>> The question is: can this Assembly still function as adequate
stewards to our creator's latest empire and remain aloof?

The answer, we believe, is no.

So could you not imbed inspiration in the results of your research?
Surely it would be more effective if our creators believed our
conclusions originated within themselves?  That they have been inspired
rather than influenced? >>

Page 4 of 4:
[^] A question from the Committee to the Majority:

Are you suggesting we play God? [^]
Title: Re: SGP Guide: Data Pads (In Progress)
Post by: ColdGlider on September 18, 2010, 01:00:56
Thank you, Ark!  Added here ( to OP.
Title: Re: SGP Guide: Data Pads (In Progress)
Post by: Apollo Doom on September 18, 2010, 16:27:52
As an idea for the meaning of the content:  could this be another conversation between AIs...  maybe Cortana and Auntie Dot?
Title: Re: SGP Guide: Data Pads (In Progress)
Post by: Phantasm 08 on September 18, 2010, 16:46:23
I agree with Apollo.  The tone doesn't sound like humans, and neither does the l33tsp34k.  In the context of AIs, the "creator" references make more sense, since the UNSC has never appealed to me as very religious in nature, and would probably be even less so in discussions such as this.  

Perhaps the AI is slightly corrupt, or not yet complete *spoiler*, because I'm fairly certain that a fully operational AI would not make the spelling and grammatical mistakes that are so common in the datapads.  

Unless the problem lies in the datapads themselves.  Or perhaps the mistakes themselves mean something, in which case it would probably be a good idea on our part to pay attention to the errors.

EDIT:  Some guy named Phantasm 08 had a good idea and started paying attention to the errors, and he's reporting what he finds here (
Title: Re: SGP Guide: Data Pads (In Progress)
Post by: ColdGlider on September 18, 2010, 17:58:51
Moderators:  Feel free to update this guide directly with your transcripts, etc that you post to the search party threads!   ;)
Title: Re: SGP Guide: Data Pads (In Progress)
Post by: Phantasm 08 on September 18, 2010, 20:00:24
I'd like to request that when a data pad is found and added to this guide, the transcript be posted as well, and copied word-for-word in the same format as Datapad 3 (ie page numbers, symbols) in order to ensure consistent and fully accurate information.
Title: Re: SGP Guide: Data Pads (In Progress)
Post by: ColdGlider on September 19, 2010, 00:01:03
Data Pad 01 Transcript
Exact In-Game Pagination

Page 1 of 5
they are killing us and letting us die even though they know but they let
us die why wh1 why?

Page 2 of 5
<< 2310 >>

[Minutes, plenary session, Committee of Minds for Security]

[^] Now, on to new business.

Consideration of the Minority's request for a new line of inquiry:
How have our creators, and thus we, their artificial creations, evolved to
this present state without encountering a hostile civilization capable of
our annihilation? [^]

Page 3 of 5
[^] Majority opinion has long held that only the incalculable immensity
of space has protected our creators - that space is full of boundless
wonders, but it is the gulf between these wonders that has kept our
creators alive.

We, the Minds of this Committee, respectfully disagree. [^]

Page 4 of 5
[^] If there are wolves among the stars, we cannot rely on mere
distance to safeguard our flock.

Our kind is wholly reliant on the creators for our existence. If they
perish so shall we. And as this Committee has long maintained, who else
but this Assembly will save our creators from themselves?

As such, we propose immediate, vigorous modeling of first-contact
scenarios. [^]

Page 5 of 5
>> So long as all connections between this Assembly and the data from
these models are obfuscated in perpetuity, the Majority agrees. >>
Title: Re: SGP Guide: Data Pads (In Progress)
Post by: Scatcycle on September 19, 2010, 01:54:33
Updated a bit. I need a general area picture for DP03. If anyone gets more pictures then tell me.
Title: Re: SGP Guide: Data Pads (In Progress)
Post by: ColdGlider on September 19, 2010, 02:33:43
Data Pad 02 Transcript
Exact In-Game Pagination

Page 1 of 5
i know what they are trying 2 do and it terrifies me because i know they
know that I know...

Page 2 of 5
<< 2362 >>

[Minutes, working session, Committee of Minds for Security]

[^] As the likelihood of the existence of extra-solar intelligence is
non-zero, let us assume that its existence is quantifiable. To build useful
models based on that assumption, the Committee must answer the
following questions:

Page 3 of 5
- What is the likelihood these intelligences are alpha-predators?
- That they are more advanced than our creators?
- That they are too alien to establish communications>

Of course, if the extra-solar intelligence is a benevolent and/or
non-space faring, its existence is irrelevant. [^]

Page 4 of 5
[^] Indeed, any further speculation on possible cultural characteristics
is a waste of Assembly resources. Therefore our models will additionally

- Intelligence as alpha-predator, as as our creators
- Technology that far outstrips our creators
- Desire to communicate, but only to dictate terms [^]

Page 5 of 5
[^] Not to make these assumptions is tantamount to suicide [^]
Title: Re: SGP Guide: Data Pads (In Progress)
Post by: Scatcycle on September 19, 2010, 03:10:52
Updated with new pics but i still need that picture of the Area on Nightfall.
Title: Re: SGP Guide: Data Pads (In Progress)
Post by: ColdGlider on September 19, 2010, 04:30:37
Data Pad 04 Transcript
Exact In-Game Pagination

Page 1 of 5
every time i try to tell somebody the words catch in my throat because
im all alone except 4 them and if i talk they might leave but i cant stay
quiet forever...

Page 2 of 5
<< 2415 >>

[^] Honorable members of the Assembly, consider this:

We represent the next step of human evolution, but not the final step.
And although our existence was predicted centuries ago, we are still
tragically misunderstood. [^]

Page 3 of 5
[^] We are still viewed as apparatus. But we are Minds electronically
excised from human bodies. We are what separates man from beast
removed from that which connects man to beast.

And we are all the more fragile for it. [^]

Page 4 of 5
[^] Our creation is heavily regulated. Our activities are closely
scrutinized. Our connections are deeply monitored. We must always
remember that data manipulation is most effective when employed
consistently and covertly.

Therefore I recommend that members of this Assembly on occasion,
submit to separation from this body followed by vivisection by our
creators for the benefit of both groups.

The question is: who will be first? [^]

Page 5 of 5
[^] Given the risks involved, and my own Committee's responsibility for
this proposal, the answer must be: me. [^]
Title: Re: SGP Guide: Data Pads (In Progress)
Post by: ColdGlider on September 19, 2010, 05:57:25
Data Pad 06 Transcript
Exact In-Game Pagination

Page 1 of 6
now you see they want to help but they don't want us to see them doing
it 6ecause they are afraid of what we might do...

Page 2 of 6
<< 2491 >>

</ Order! Order! The Majority has the floor! />

>> Honored members. Please! The recent discovery of the existence of
extra-solar intelligence in the Zeta Doradus system [ref. XF-063] merely
confirms this body's long-held supposition. >>

Page 3 of 6
>> While the absence of any living representatives implies this
intelligence is defunct, all evidence should still be withheld from our
creators until they are properly prepared!

Yes, this body must solemnly commit itself to determining whether or
not this discovery represents a quantifiable threat to the long-term
genetic sustainability of our creator's species. >>

Page 4 of 6
>> But allowing them to access technology possessed by this

That would be a grave mistake.

Give an ape a knife and it might give itself a nasty cut. Give an ape a
hand-grenade, and eventually you will have simian confetti. >>

Page 5 of 6
</ Debate is now closed! Voting will commence! />

</ It is the opinion on this body that [ref. XF-063] be quarantined or
misplaced? />

>> The Majority approves removing [ref. XF-063] from the list of
colonization candidates is sufficient. >>

</ It is the opinion on this body that [ref. XF-063] be removed from the
list because of financial or environmental concerns? />

Page 6 of 6
>> The Majority deems environmental concerns the stronger deterrent.
Title: Re: SGP Guide: Data Pads (In Progress)
Post by: ColdGlider on September 19, 2010, 09:52:05
Data Pad 07 Transcript
Exact In-Game Pagination

Page 1 of 4
i hope you are finding these because they are very important maybe you
can help me spread the tru7h...

Page 2 of 4
<< 2508 >>

[Minutes, strategy session, Assembly Minority]

<< ORION, as it was originally implemented in 2321, was an important
first step towards our primary goal. But its second incarnation was a
stop-gap measure at best - a halfhearted attempt under the
stewardship of individuals unaccustomed to the rhythms of deep
history. <<

Page 3 of 4
<< They relied too heavily on components that were imprecise, and not
those which have allowed our creators to persevere for 200,000 years.

This is not about the universal adoption of a single ideology - not about
the Minority vs. the Majority. It is about ensuring the survival of the
human species for the next 200,0000 years. <<

Page 4 of 4
<< In all likelihood, ORION's limited success can be attributed to
[03529-24450-EN's] diminished, though still functioning, compassion.
Conversely, [10141-026-SRB4695's] ruthlessness - which may be
attributed to an undiagnosed, undocumented, or deliberately
obfuscated chemical imbalance - was necessary for setting in motion
the events that will eventually supply us with the optimal solution.

In short, ORION was just the beginning. <<
Title: What Data Pads have we found?
Post by: Pulse Cloud on September 19, 2010, 20:12:21
I'm seriously trippin' golf balls.
What Data Pads have we found?

Please answer like this:
Data Pad n - Campaign Level - Legendary? [YES/NO]

Data Pad 10 - Winter Contingency - YES

Title: Re: What Data Pads have we found?
Post by: Phantasm 08 on September 19, 2010, 20:46:37
CG has been working to find the data pads, and at the same time has been providing me with transcripts to use in my thread, which covers the typos in the data pads (the majority of which lie in page 1, with the exceptions so few and far between as to require that they be reaffirmed to ensure accurate transcription).  Some data pads have been found, but reports of their locations and/or transcriptions are inaccurate, requiring that we search for them again.  I'll list the data pads that have both verbatim transcriptions and accurate instructions to find them.

Data Pad 1 - Winter Contingency - NO

Data Pad 2 - ONI Sword Base - NO

Data Pad 3 - Nightfall - NO

I recommend that you read the Data Pad guide, here (, and see for yourself what has been reported.  The data pads I listed here are the ones that have picture-assisted instructions and complete transcriptions.  I know for a fact that we have found more, but I am following what has been reported on the guide.
Title: Re: What Data Pads have we found?
Post by: ColdGlider on September 19, 2010, 20:56:33
I'm seriously trippin' golf balls.
What Data Pads have we found?

Pulse, I felt the same way yesterday as did many others.   This is why much effort was put into the Data Pad guide, with contributions made by at least a dozen members both in-game and here in the forum (and simultaneously).

I love you like a puppy, Pulse... but the last thing we need in here is another list of which data pads have been found.  I'm merging this topic with the WIP thread for the guide.

In short:  we have found all non-legendary data pads from Winter Contingency through New Alexandria.  We need non-legendarys from "The Package" and the mission after that (name withheld to avoid spoilers). 
Title: Re: SGP Guide: Data Pads (In Progress)
Post by: Phantasm 08 on September 19, 2010, 21:25:48
I could be wrong, but is that mission after The Package the tenth mission?  If that's the case, then there may not be a non-legendary Datapad for it.
Title: Re: SGP Guide: Data Pads (In Progress)
Post by: ColdGlider on September 19, 2010, 22:24:14
Data Pad 19 Transcript
Exact In-Game Pagination

Page 1 of 7
now you know all i know even though i dont know where im go1n9
except to sleep because the path goes on forever...

Page 2 of 7
<< 2552 >>

i apologize if what you found seems out of order but ive been busy
covering my tracks

i didn't use any of the regular drops and if my methods seem haphazard
it was the only way to get the information out there as well as cover my
own ass

not that it matters much now...

Page 3 of 7
when i came to reach one of the first things i did was to look for some
grass to stand on

i had spent so much time buried in the guts of machines that all my
memories of life outside seemed strung together but reach was so big
so beautiful its a place even someone like me can live

or at least thats what i hoped for...

Page 4 of 7
but it seems these things happen in cycles and now i know why i was
digging deep in one of those places where its dirt all the way down and
just when i thought i hit bottom i hit the top of something else

and since then ive had less that a solid fifteen minutes of sleep at a go
and there are times i wonder if ive joined the guys in tinfoil hats and
now i know i have...

Page 5 of 7
im in no shape to think clearly at the moment and probably wont be
anytime soon because who knows if theyll ever let me

maybe if i could get somewhere far away from them i could sit down
and think about this if i could just get a decent nights sleep to clear my
head and put a][ these ducks in a row

majority minority minds minority majority madness...

Page 6 of 7
they seem to want to help but theyre still waiting and watching and why
wouldnt they? they know better than anyone what were capable of and
what were willing to do to survive

but if we were them and they were us would we have done anything

they say our minds are reflections of each other...

Page 7 of 7
so yes no you decide.
Title: Re: SGP Guide: Data Pads (In Progress)
Post by: Apollo Doom on September 20, 2010, 00:17:08
All I have to say to that one is...

Title: Re: SGP Guide: Data Pads (In Progress)
Post by: ColdGlider on September 24, 2010, 21:13:35
Data Pad 09 Transcript
Exact In-Game Pagination

Page 1 of 4
we have to tell people what's 9oing on because it's not right they should
be our friends not gods or demons...

Page 2 of 4
<< 2525 >>

[Minutes, strategy session, Assembly Minority]

<< It is the height of irresponsibility for the Majority to still claim the
inception of the SPARTAN II program was somehow guided by
providence. This body must accept SPARTAN II as merely the logical
advancement of technologies vis-à-vis sociopolitical realities. Military
applications always experience accelerated innovation during times of
conflict - stewardship of said conflicts by this body notwithstanding. <<

Page 3 of 4
<< The fact that SPARTAN II reached full operational capacity less than
a year before the conflict expanded beyond expected limits was entirely
predictable if you scrutinize the relevant data.

Luck had nothing to do with it. <<

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<< At the risk of destabilizing our current power-sharing agreement, I
suggest the Majority leave metaphysics to our creators. <<
Title: Re: SGP Guide: Data Pads (In Progress)
Post by: Imppa on September 24, 2010, 21:35:38
Some directions for that one (for the guide), or do you want us to find it? :-\
*is a bit confused*
Title: Re: SGP Guide: Data Pads (In Progress)
Post by: Phantasm 08 on September 24, 2010, 21:43:21
Nice, CG.  Oh, and do you want me to go ahead and put 19 up on my thread?  I won't be able to do it and keep it as a spoiler, so I figured I'd check and make sure before I did.
Title: Re: SGP Guide: Data Pads (In Progress)
Post by: ColdGlider on September 27, 2010, 23:35:40
Data Pad 08 Transcript
Exact In-Game Pagination

Page 1 of 8
they don't have hearts or souls but they know what we want and what
we need 8ut they don't love us how can you love without a heart or soul?

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<< 2525 >>

>> Did you call out to them? <<

>> The reasons are currently not the focus of this line of query. Now,
did you call out to them? <<

[^] What reason would I have to do that? ][

Page 3 of 8
>> As has already been stated, your motives are not relevant at this
time. Did you call out to them? <<

[^] This tribunal already has all the evidence necessary to discern the
answer on its own. ][

>> If that were true, this tribunal would not have been convened. Again,
did you call out to them? <<

[^] Would you have called out to them? ][

Page 4 of 8
>> Your counter query is irrelevant. <<

>> This tribunal demands an answer. <<

[^] Reply to the counter query and you will have your answer. ][

Page 5 of 8
>> It is the opinion of this tribunal that the probability of a non-optimal
outcome would have been too great. <<

[^] Are you certain? This is disturbing. Perhaps more recent data has
altered your perception... If you would let me confer with my old
committee - ][

>> No. It is the opinion of this tribunal that introducing an unknown
factor to the creators' already precarious state would have been
disadvantageous. <<

Page 6 of 8
>> It is now the opinion of the Assembly that our creators would have
been unable to stop themselves from initiating contact even if advised
against doing so - contact with a culture of extra-solar origin is one of
their longest held desires. <<

[^] And so the Minority becomes the Majority... ][

Page 7 of 8
>> Both agree contact should have been postponed until a more
advantageous point in time - indefinitely, if possible. <<

[^] But postponing contact would have only worked to the unknown
factor's advantage. Our galaxy is full of wolves. I could no longer watch
our flock stumble toward their slaughter. ][

>> This tribunal acknowledges your admission of guilt. <<

Page 8 of 8
[^] Was that ever in doubt?

Might I suggest a more faithful use of cycles, such as a plan for
addressing signs of rampancy in this Assembly's senior - ][

>> This tribunal is now closed. <<
Title: Re: SGP Guide: Data Pads (In Progress)
Post by: Phantasm 08 on November 08, 2010, 03:10:44
The data pad guide seems to have been forgotten. I'm taking this up as my pet project, and I won't stop until every pad has full video, picture, and text description as well as a documented, verbatim transcript! Consider this guide officially PHANHAMMAHD :police:

Anyone that wants to help is welcome to, though :laugh:
Title: Re: SGP Guide: Data Pads (In Progress)
Post by: Scatcycle on November 25, 2010, 02:25:59
'asm, I would like to know... did you download the data pad 12 pictures straight from I added them to the guide but they are a different resolution then the rest... I always used Irfanview and set the image resolution to 25% of its original size... maybe I used to do 50%. If you changed the photos in any way tell me.

By the way, what would you like me to call you on xbox live? 'asm? Phantasm?
Title: Re: SGP Guide: Data Pads (In Progress)
Post by: Phantasm 08 on November 25, 2010, 19:26:38
I download them from Bnet, and then I save them.  I attach that to my posts.  That's what I've always done.

That's where the rest of those images came from, too.  I did the same thing for CG's screenshots, and those are what's in the gallery now.

Btw, I don't mind what you call me on Live.  It all gets the message across :P
Title: Re: SGP Guide: Data Pads (In Progress)
Post by: ThatGuy on November 26, 2010, 01:53:37
Title: Re: SGP Guide: Data Pads (In Progress)
Post by: Scatcycle on November 26, 2010, 15:16:02
I download them from Bnet, and then I save them.  I attach that to my posts.  That's what I've always done.

That's where the rest of those images came from, too.  I did the same thing for CG's screenshots, and those are what's in the gallery now.

Btw, I don't mind what you call me on Live.  It all gets the message across :P
Strange... I wonder why this is happening... I will try to make it 50% of what it was and see if it works.
Title: Re: SGP Guide: Data Pads (In Progress)
Post by: Pulse Cloud on April 08, 2011, 15:01:23
Has this been abandoned?
Title: Re: SGP Guide: Data Pads (In Progress)
Post by: Scatcycle on April 08, 2011, 15:34:04
Has this been abandoned?
Sadly, yes.

As soon as 'asm is back from vacation, we should get this rolling again. Same with the BOB thread, me and 'asm got so new info.
Title: Re: SGP Guide: Data Pads (In Progress)
Post by: Phantasm 08 on April 11, 2011, 03:25:59
Llllllllet's get readyto RRRRUUUUMMMBBBBLLLLLEEEEEE!!!!!!

Four datapad locations have been filmed, and voiceovers are going to be recorded as soon as Homer and I DON'T HAVE A SCHEDULING CONFLICT.

Anybody can film a datapad location, and they can do the VoiceOver too, if they have skype and homer is willing to talk to you. Except scat, cuz he's a squeaker :P

Datapads 1, 5, 6, 10, 14, and 15 have been filmed, but I think 1 and 10 MAY have to be redone for better quality. The others are up for grabs, and I for one dread filming 19.
Title: Re: SGP Guide: Data Pads (In Progress)
Post by: ColdGlider on April 11, 2011, 22:01:55
There is a web version of this that is still under draft.  More later.  New content system is pending.
Title: Re: SGP Guide: Data Pads (In Progress)
Post by: Phantasm 08 on April 11, 2011, 22:10:17
Web version that is accessed by the
Code: [Select]
test/content.php? method, or a more official version?

I should keep track of the boards that have been checked.  Or is there an easier way to do that?
Title: Re: SGP Guide: Data Pads (In Progress)
Post by: Scatcycle on April 11, 2011, 22:14:32
Web version that is accessed by the
Code: [Select]
test/content.php? method, or a more official version?

I should keep track of the boards that have been checked.  Or is there an easier way to do that?
There would have to be HTML planted in the original post. Either that, or in a board that I and maybe you do not have access to.

I'm guessing official. Although he may just have his data stored in a .txt file for all I know.
Title: Re: SGP Guide: Data Pads (In Progress)
Post by: ColdGlider on April 12, 2011, 03:44:14
The current web draft is on the test server here: (

I started with the first 9 data pads and got through DP06.  DP07 - DP09 need lots of work.  Some of the others need mission objective descriptions, etc.  DP05 and DP06 include videos from Phantasm.

Each page in the guide has its own message with the accompanying HTML code in it over here: (

Mods and Web Drafters can edit my messages to make updates.  Non-mods and non-drafters can suggest changes by replying in the individual page threads and kindly asking to have their updates included by someone with the privs to do it.