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Messages - odst glitcher

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Report In! / Re: strange thing
« on: December 29, 2009, 12:52:40 »
the guys bs'ing there are no numbers its just the sky forming a vague shape. And whats this flight pattern? They go where they want to dammit!

you have no imagination right :-\ the guy told me to tell you that you have to read the instructions and do them on the pics  :-[

Report In! / Re: coins?
« on: December 29, 2009, 12:45:10 »
i guess scatcycle likes to make a thread about every strange thing he hears or finds  ::) the coins were just the audio log ones next to UR

edit why does the rolling eyes guy turn up as the smily SI face  :-\

what this doesnt make sense! arg

remember when we saw a line of glowing trash outside a wall like door?

yes that is one of the rooms but that isn`t number 8

the glowing trash? what? and anyways, i thought you got into the bugger room too!

i did but i didn`t want to waste my precious space in there

when did i mention glowing trash??? it was the 5 door i went to at the end of the tunnel

Report In! / Re: strange thing
« on: December 28, 2009, 22:03:42 »
the guys bs'ing there are no numbers. And whats this flight pattern? They go where they want to dammit!

maybe his imagination and he says in the vid he gets a door to open on tayari plaza vid

nice finds, i would really like to see pic number 8 in person. You forgot to add the data hive one! with the buggers!

that is yours and i can`t take credit for something that isn`t mine

oh the number 8 was the far one near the grunts at the start the one with the trash on the ground near it

also maybe we should try and get inside the number 8 room

Report In! / Re: strange thing
« on: December 28, 2009, 21:57:20 »
another message with a link to his fileshare idk if the doors are in but he said there is other stuff  ;)

Posted by: name removed for safety

this is the link to my proof

pictures: two of them are the numbers. Follow the instructions in the descriptions.
               The other two are the glyphs that I have translated. Thier deffinitions are in the description.

Movie: long but shows the engineers flight patern at squid hendge. It also shows the switching doors and the first four pliniths that have been found.

Report In! / Re: strange thing
« on: December 28, 2009, 16:16:57 »
Sounds like a scammer. :-X

he is going to get proof soon and he is already joined SGP but until CG accepts him we wont get anything

BTW he said he saw numbers in the sky and is getting pics of them

Report In! / Re: strange thing
« on: December 27, 2009, 21:41:51 »
Nope, not true. I shot and meleed everything in D05 and nothing happened.

hmm i shall ask him if he has any proof

Intel / Re: I am going to ask about zombielites at bungie!
« on: December 27, 2009, 21:21:59 »
how about shiska or stosh remember to provide the image aswell

Report In! / Re: strange thing
« on: December 27, 2009, 20:59:28 »
he messaged me now it seems it is not that door

Posted by: name removed for safety
The strange room I was refering to was the long hall just before the first beacon. It has a soldier that has died with no obvious reason as to how. Marines don't just drop dead. Oh and now that you mention it do you know how normaly all the rooms on the second level on your way up to the helmet are all locked. I just found that if you shoot every body even the aliens one of those doors opens. Inside I found a healthpack. But when I proceded up the room with the jackal sniper was locked. This puzzles me. I have nver seen a normaly open door become locked. What do you think?

Report In! / Re: strange thing
« on: December 27, 2009, 20:54:45 »
I have no idea what you (and this mystery man of yours) tried to report other than it involved rooms with random weapons and something to do with blood spilling.  Neither his message or your explanation painted a clear picture of what it is that was "found".  Do you think you can start from the beginning, using sentences?

just thought i would share it with you because he may have found something i mean mysterious doors randomly opening is very mysterious indeed

Report In! / strange thing
« on: December 27, 2009, 16:15:00 »
i`m talking to a guy on about something and he mentioned about spilling the blood of(maybe he never said) elites i think well he messaged this when i asked locations of some of the areas and he answered with this

Posted by: name removed for safety
 havnt found any on Mombasa streets yet. I have found one on kizingo blvd. And one on data hive. The one on data hive was a glitch in the game I believe because I was walking down the second foggy hall and the door that wAs normaly locked was showing up green. Do what I did but there was a full carbine in it. Thee one on kizingo blvd was off to the left I believe after the second big open area and there was a rocket launcher in it. The third one was the one on page 4 I think it was of the thread about this. I have heard from many people that there was nothing in it but I found an AR. The weapons appear to be random as well as the room locations. The dificulty may play a role in this as well.

now the last area is that area you could get in with glyphs but he got in by spilling the blood of some dead thing and he is saying that there was an AR inside

now i am too kind to tell him VOIDO but this seems a bit like a lie but we should still check this out

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