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Topics - mudbug

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Im just curious what impact this could have on any of the strategies that people are trying throughout this board. I think on folks have said that nothing obvious seems to happen when they complete all of the achievements. However, would completing these have any impact on what people find when exploring?

More importantly, I have not seen or heard what might happen if you complete all of the campaign missions with a score of par or better (for those that dont know, the scoring summary screen after completing each mission has a stated score to achieve for "Par"). In fact, I havent heard much discussion about or attention paid to these Par scores at all -- I dont think Bungie has mentioned them or said anything about them at all. Could completing them all result in one of the hidden secrets or easter eggs for the game? 

So this leads to three questions:
Do people think that this could be important factor related to unlocking/activating squidhenge, the dark sectors, the energy sword, etc? (would Bungie really include the challenge of Par scores for each level but then not have them do anything at all? I could only see this if it was planned but then discarded but then why leave it in the scoring summary page?

Have any of the "explorers" from this site achieved all par scores already? If not, is there a chance that this has limited them in any way? (Even if completing all Par scores doesnt trigger something obvious like a pop up that explains the "achievement", I wonder if it would result in a change or unlocks to what can be found exploring Mombasa Streets (new doors unlocked, dark sectors opened up, etc)?

Lastly, does just completing all levels at Par or better do anything by itself or could it be some combination of earning all Par scores and earning all of the achievements (and/or also completing the campaign on Legendary -- or maybe even having multiple people in Co-op exploring together that have it done it)?

Curious what people think about this. I would hate to think that it does matter and some of the theories will need to be tried all over again after completing all levels with a score of Par or better.

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