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Messages - nightcrafter27

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Report In! / Re: The Engineer in Halo 3: ODST has a name.
« on: August 10, 2014, 05:42:17 »
Huh. Someone is going to have to back me up here, but aren't engineers only named one of three things? I don't remember that one...

It's way too late for me to be doing this.

Destiny Pre-Release Discussion / Re: New Destiny Avatar Collection
« on: August 01, 2014, 19:34:53 »
Looking good, CG! If you want some more, I can make some!

Code: [Select]

Report In! / Re: SGP: Secret detonator on CM:AS
« on: August 01, 2014, 16:32:42 »
Did you look at the detonator before and after the sound happened? So see if the body actually caused the activation.

Yes, I did; the detonator doesn't change states.

Report In! / Re: SGP: Secret detonator on CM:AS
« on: August 01, 2014, 05:17:48 »
Ok, I did my testing. I was wrong. A green detonator is disarmed, while a red detonator is armed. If you are confused, I made the handy gif of a detonator being armed below:

I ran through CM: AS on every difficulty, and checked in theater to see if the detonator ever changed. It was always red; armed.

SO the detonator is armed in campaign, but disarmed in firefight. And before you ask, on one of my runs, Mickey armed the charges for me and blew up the bridge one his own. This suggests there is something to do in firefight to arm the detonator.

Also, the detonator arming sound played for me when my body was just above this point:

I think it does make sense that the "exclusive" digital content will be available later. The only thing that might be completely exclusive is the ship skin, and guess what? That's the only thing that won't affect gameplay. A faster Sparrow and more powerful weapons would give players an unfair advantage, because they are usable in multiplayer. I think the bonuses are mostly incentives to get Playstation players without much experience with Bungie interested in Destiny.

Report In! / Re: Well heres something that a site noted
« on: July 30, 2014, 05:08:57 »
There certainly are more symbols than those found in the glyphs. At a glance, I don't see enough unique ones to make an alphabet, but if there are encoded messages, they might be using only the most common letters.

Report In! / Re: SGP: Secret detonator on CM:AS
« on: July 30, 2014, 05:02:06 »
Everything I said was everything I did.

I will try and replicate everything again tomorrow(today later on) so I can be 100%

Sounds good. I'll see if I can do it on every difficulty tomorrow.

Report In! / Re: SGP: Secret detonator on CM:AS
« on: July 29, 2014, 23:02:37 »

I've done a little putzing around trying to make some headway on this. I got a better recording of the detonator arming (no explosions), and saved CIA's screenshot so we can have an on-site version. Sound clip

For those who have had trouble locating the detonator, it is against the wall at the bottom of the north-eastern shaft. If you look at the elevator you take up to the roof of the building, it is the hole to your left.

Here's the good part: it's armed in Firefight. In CM: AS, the detonator handle is vertical, with red indicator lights, as in CIA's screenshot. In FF: AS, the handle is horizontal with a green indicator light, as shown below. It does not make the arming sound when your body lands near it. As far as I know, an invisible barrier makes it impossible to fly down before your ODST has fallen, so we can't check to see if it makes the sound as soon as the game starts. The detonator is armed regardless of difficulty.

I've don'e a quick fly-around in theater mode, but I haven't seen anything that looks like it's linked to this.

CIA, I've only seen the detonator in the vertical, red position in CM:AS, and your screenshot came from campaign. Do you know what you did to get the green version?

Destiny Pre-Release Discussion / Destiny Beta
« on: July 28, 2014, 23:03:22 »
Apologies in advance, this will be a bit of a word vomit. My thoughts on:

Its interesting to me that the story we have seen in the Beta seems geared towards your Guardian being the most important, the one who turns the tide, etc. The way your Ghost and the Speaker act after you kill the Archon in the second mission tell me that you aren't an average Guardian. I don't think this is bad, I just wasn't expecting it.

Sparrows. Oh how I love the Sparrows. The handling is perfect, they sound just like a pod racer. The action of summoning a Sparrow is so smooth, and you can do it and be on your way without breaking stride. Also, I like how Bungie made a vehicle very similar to a Purple and it handles nothing like a Purple!

The social interactions are brilliant. All your communication needs are nearly covered by pointing, dancing, waving, and sitting (the d-pad lets you point forward, left, right, and hold a fist up for hold while on a Sparrow). Making fireteams is so easy to do as well by clicking the right stick to target other players. Very happy with this.

Spaceships are plentiful and varied. I'm in love.

You can use any weapon in you inventory in a Crucible match. I don't know what black magic Bungie is doing behind the scenes to balance the primary weapons, but somehow it works. The balance for switching secondary and heavy weapons is elegantly simple: you can do it, but you won't have ammo for it.

You can summon Sparrows in the Crucible. I'm happy.

Small UI complaint. While I love the navy color used for Alpha team, it gets hard to see the progress bar for the team's points in the bottom right on the dark background.

Right now, I'm hopeful that our characters might possibly maybe transfer over. The Destiny companion app still lets you check all the stats, view your inventory, and even see the 3D preview of your Guardian. the fact that the data is still all stored on a server and is accessible has my hopes up.

Intel / Re: Facebook
« on: September 25, 2013, 13:03:11 »
I don't think there is much behind it, seeing as how when I searched for "Veronica Dare", I found no less than four profiles for the ONI officer. They are probably fan made, and not official Bungie profiles.

SGP Task Force: Arkive / Re: sign post locations
« on: September 19, 2013, 13:08:31 »
On the Misriah Armory sign, are you talking about the hexagonal symbols just above the BR on the right? If so, those are from nearly every SI view cutscene

I do think it is worth note that the double triangle that is present on the ODST special edition controller is in the very top right of the MA sign.

ODST General Discussion / Re: Ingame number/coding EE hint systems
« on: September 19, 2013, 02:38:41 »
Also, you mention a Cortana chip being found in ODST. Can you describe where this is so others can find it?

Triple post ftw. In act five, scene one, line 183 has "O brave new world", which Bungie used as a title for their post-Halo Vidoc

SGP Task Force: Arkive / Re: sign post locations
« on: September 17, 2013, 22:25:13 »
I wonder if this behavior continues when in split screen or if it stops, kind of like how glyphs aren't visible. This also reminds me of the barricades with the changing numbers.

SGP Task Force: Ghost Chasers / Re: General Glyph Study
« on: September 16, 2013, 22:10:11 »
Could you not tell the orientation of a glyph using the compass? So floor glyphs would be North, East, Southwest, etc.

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