Halo ODST > Theorizers

Going blind

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Pulse Cloud:
This post and the next post made me think:
"Hey, what if Bungie wanted us to solve this, whatever it is, from a different perspective? What if they wanted us to see things differently? *pause* OMGWTFBBQ! BLIND! WE MUST BE BLIND!!"

So.. what if we were blind? Would anything change? Would the banners be different, would the glyphs be different?

So there... a suggestion. Play the game blind. :)

SooOoOooo... START MASHING YOUR FACE WITH A PENCIL!! -- I mean, turn the Blind skull on! :)

I can't do it because I STILL don't have my game: I borrowed it to a friend. -.-
Oh, and if you're up to it, do this too. Please.

Although it was never documented, some of the OG crew DID do this..

We didn't go though the whole game with BLIND scull on, but we did start on M. Street and ran over to squid henge. We did check out a few places on the way but did not notice anything out of the ordinary...

I honestly think we should put our minds on auto-pilot and rest up for 09-14-10...

Yeah i tryed MS with the blind skull on aswell,on Legendary and everything was the same as usual.

I don't think haveing the blind skull on really does anything important,as it's a gray skull.

Tip: Take a post it, draw a reticle on it, and paste it to your tv screen. Pulse, i will take this challenge. Legendary, blind skull only on. Whole game. Any place you want me to go in particular?

Pulse Cloud:
Well, the guys already said they didn't find anything.... Maybe my request nÂș 2 would be the smartest thing to do, then.

But if you really want to -blam!- around, try some Mombasa Streets or Kikowani Station, because they have glyphs and J-Banners. :)
And maybe Tayari Plaza, specially around the "BELIEVE" bridge with elites.


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