Author Topic: New ViDoc! "A Spartan Will Rise"!  (Read 5089 times)


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Re: New ViDoc! "A Spartan Will Rise"!
« Reply #15 on: August 24, 2010, 17:37:42 »
Thanks, the opinion of a native speaker is always the best in this case! ;)
Yeah, hope I didn't sound condescending about this (i.e., let the snotty American bestow praise!).  I really meant it as a compliment.  I sorta speak a second language (Spanish) but I would hardly attempt to explain physics and time travel using it.  :-X
Don't worry, I did take that as a compliment...I just mean that I hear that from time to time from my friends and parents or I actually meant it here. :D

I think you got it. :D
Yea!  High five!

And yes (ahem), I know where Europe is, Mr. Smartie Pants.  The EU release date has historically been a day or two later (or much later in the case of Halo 1), ODST's worldwide release being an exception. As I've told you before, don't make me come over there with my ODST energy sword!
Yea sure. ;O
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Re: New ViDoc! "A Spartan Will Rise"!
« Reply #16 on: August 29, 2010, 02:34:49 »
I'm sticking to my guns that this trailer represents a conversation between Halsey and Cortana. 

I think Auntie Dot was concocted to be your in-game guide- as the Halopedia Article mentions- and nothing more.  I imagine that Auntie Dot coordinates data between Noble Team either as a distributed network AI or from a central location with direct feeds from each team member's suit.  I would go so far to guess that Auntie Dot was with Noble Team before they began their operation on Reach and that Auntie Dot's existence might even be unknown to Halsey.

While I'm just guessing away:

I think Halsey- trapped on Reach-  found a way to link up with Cortana (perhaps while she was in orbit on the Ascendant Justice) to have the conversation depicted in the trailer.  She's looking for candidates for an operation ("Yes- Noble Team will do.  Yet, only one of them can carry our last hope.  Only one will hold our fate in their hands"), but specifics of the operation itself and what the "chosen one" will be actually be holding remain mysteries.  Perhaps this will unfold in a similar manner to Dare having her own agenda in ODST that the squad was unaware of at drop time.

Although Halsey did create Kalmiya, The Fall of Reach has this to say about Cortana:

Quote from: The Fall of Reach, pgs 235-236
But Cortana's mind was unique among all the other AIs Dr. Halsey had encountered.  An AI's matrix was created by sending electrical bursts through the neural pathways of a human brain.  Those pathways were then replicated in a superconducting nano-assemblage.  The technique destroyed the original human tissue, so they could only be obtained from a suitable candidate that had already died.  Cortana, however, had to have the best mind available.  The success of her mission and the lives of the Spartans would depend on it.
At Dr. Halsey's insistence, ONI had arranged to have her own brain carefully cloned and her memories flash-transferred to the receptacle organs.  Only one of the twenty cloned brains survived the process.  Cortana had literally sprung from Dr. Halsey's mind, like Athena from the head of Zeus.
So, in a way, Cortana was Dr. Halsey.

Based on the above, I think it would be seriously foolish (not to mention a let down) if there was any other AI beside Cortana that could justify the line "Yes... well... great minds do think alike."

The Arkaeologist

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Re: New ViDoc! "A Spartan Will Rise"!
« Reply #17 on: August 29, 2010, 14:20:51 »
Based on the above, I think it would be seriously foolish (not to mention a let down) if there was any other AI beside Cortana that could justify the line "Yes... well... great minds do think alike."
Agreed.  I'm just not sure how they can pull this off.  First Strike definitely leaves one with the impression that contact between Cortana/Master Chief and Halsey is severed on August 30.  After that date, Halsey and crew are underground without access to comm equipment until they are rescued by John et al on an unspecified date somewhere between September 7 and 12.  Their departure from Reach is immediate (an evacuation) and necessarily so so they don't all DI-IE.

Wait, I just watched it again.  I think what Halsey's saying - especially given all the Auntie Dot graphics, which Bungie confirms to be Auntie Dot - is that Auntie Dot, as a smart AI or "great mind," thinks like Cortana (and by extension, her) when she chooses Noble-6.  This supports my hypothesis that there is a Master Chief and Noble-6 connection.  OR, if I were thinking a bit more cynically, I'd say this trailer is Bungie marketing's way of really hammering home that you will play as a character who is as good as the Chief.  My gut says a bit of both.

Anyhow, back to my point.  So the events of the trailer seem to happen BEFORE August 30, right?  BUT a continuity problem looms.  This little-known trailer creates the impression that the Battle of Reach begins on or around July 23, 2552 - it is heavily implied, for example, that something will prevent Mommy from coming home in three days - but according to Fall of Reach, the Covenant doesn't arrive until August 30.  Combat events should take place on or after August 30 to be in line with canon.  It is possible that the trailer is just showing life before the attack and misleading us with the soldiers rushing up the steps.  But Halsey's dialogue in "A Spartan Will Rise" also creates the impression that she's been in some kind of command and control center observing an extended battle.  This really doesn't jive with the books, which demand that she be underground, cut off, within the day such that this can only be August 30.  She can only comment on the battle from Reach at the beginning of the battle if that makes sense.

I guess technically Bungie can justify anything with time on the planet Reach since it's the home of the crazy time-bending crystal, but I agree with Angry Pregnant Lady:  "The timing is insane."  So (though I really hope not)....are there two Halseys as well?

UPDATE:  Unless of course, Reach does NOT fall as we imagine - we know that characters are often under false impressions, e.g., the UNSC thinks Halsey is dead - and (as I initially speculated as a lesser possibility) the events depicted in the game are taking place after Halsey has "returned" from the shield world.  It would make sense that the battle for a planet the size of Reach would be a long and protracted one.  In this sense, maybe the events are occurring during or after the events of Halo 2.  Still, it wouldn't explain the appearance of Cortana.  Also, it seems the Covenant would have finished glassing the planet once the crystal was removed by Halsey, John, and team on September 12.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2010, 12:15:15 by The Arkaeologist »


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Re: New ViDoc! "A Spartan Will Rise"!
« Reply #18 on: August 29, 2010, 19:34:05 »
This little-known trailer creates the impression that the Battle of Reach begins on or around July 23, 2552 - it is heavily implied, for example, that something will prevent Mommy from coming home in three days - but according to Fall of Reach, the Covenant doesn't arrive until August 30.  Combat events should take place on or after August 30 to be in line with canon.  It is possible that the trailer is just showing life before the attack and misleading us with the soldiers rushing up the steps.
The timeline in the trailer is very misleading. I've been planning to post my theories about it, but I havn't got time...
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Re: New ViDoc! "A Spartan Will Rise"!
« Reply #19 on: August 30, 2010, 04:08:34 »
According to Bungie:
Reach has day that is 27 hours long and its orbital period is 390 (Reach) days. 
In other words, a Reach year is 1770 hours longer than an Earth year.

So if the Reach clocks were synced with the Earth clocks on Jan 1, 2001, it would be Mar 15, 2002 on Earth when Reach celebrated New Years Day on Jan 1, 2002.

Of course- just like our timezone differences on Earth- this is all relative.  Nobody is actually moving faster or slower through time... they're just organizing time into different units.  In the examples above, an hour is assumed to be the same length of time whether it be on Reach or on Earth.

Anyhow, this is all to say that Reach local time would be well behind Earth time.  How far behind we can't really say unless someone has a reference to when the calendar began on Reach.  The closest I've found is by way of the Halopedia, which cites an article in Edge Magazine as a source.  It claims that Reach was colonized in the early 25th century.

If this is true (i.e. Reach time was established no earlier than 00:00 Jan 01, 2401 Earth time) then the 38 day time difference that Ark points out cannot be explained by differences between Reach local time and Earth local time.  When it is August 30, 2552 on Earth, it can really be no later than 12/03/2546 on Reach.. and that's assuming Reach time began on the last possible day of the 25th century (12/31/2400).

There are a heck of a lot of assumptions here, but I feel pretty confident that the "Ark Difference" isn't caused by Reach local time.

That Halsey Journal in the Limited Edition has a lot to explain, man.

Apollo Doom

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Re: New ViDoc! "A Spartan Will Rise"!
« Reply #20 on: August 30, 2010, 04:33:37 »
A possible but unlikely solution to time discrepancies: all the shorts take place well before Halo: Reach.

On the Remember Reach website they have the complete versions of each of the vignettes: The Couple, The Family, The Soldiers (though strangely, not The Balloon).  

In The Soldiers the three men discuss how that morning Noble Team was fighting Insurgents, not the Covenant.  

Also on Remember Reach, they have the Deliver Hope (ps: does that remind anyone else of Foehammer?) video also.  Bungie has stated that the events depicted did not occur during the timeline of Halo: Reach.

But we should also remember Bungie's guide to canon:
In conclusion then the canon can be summarised as follows:

- The games rank first
- Published materials (books, comics, soundtrack liner notes etc.) rank second
- Marketing and PR materials third
« Last Edit: August 30, 2010, 04:36:21 by Apollo Doom »

Apollo Doom

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Re: New ViDoc! "A Spartan Will Rise"!
« Reply #21 on: August 31, 2010, 16:32:51 »
Another new website is up,  On it you can take a quiz to see which member of Noble Team you are.

There is also a timeline of the events on Reach(which unfortunately flashes by very quickly, and has way to scroll backward) which places the first Covenant activity around 7.15.2552. 

PS:  I'm apparently Kat.


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Re: New ViDoc! "A Spartan Will Rise"!
« Reply #22 on: August 31, 2010, 17:15:13 »
Another new website is up,  On it you can take a quiz to see which member of Noble Team you are.

There is also a timeline of the events on Reach(which unfortunately flashes by very quickly, and has way to scroll backward) which places the first Covenant activity around 7.15.2552. 

PS:  I'm apparently Kat.
Well, I'll just assume it's not canon. It mentions viruses and other stuff too that has nothing to do with Reach whatsoever (at least so I assume, as said).

I'm Kat too. :P
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