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Topics - EnigmaBiz

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Halo Reach: Beta / Reach Beta: Glitching/ secrets/ discoverers
« on: March 17, 2010, 22:24:24 »
Since the Beta will only be for a few week maybe we should set up a SGP play date to find out the limitation of the Beta/ secret/ and such.
What do ya think?

ODST Fan Fiction / PROJECT BLACK: by Enigma Co produced by: Imppa
« on: January 21, 2010, 22:44:51 »
The EverTin, a Covenant Scout ship, hovers over the planet of Hexalune. The ship remained behind from the Main Fleet, after it had decimated every living thing on the planet. The only survivors were taken aboard the EverTin: 3 scientist, 1 civilian and an android. Currently the scientist are held in a cell, the android memory banks are being uploaded to the ships computer and the civilian is being interrogated with the help of an engineer. The human civilian is on a square-shaped metal table suspended in midair, and the engineers tentacles are placed in strategic locations around his skull. A large monitor is displayed behind them. The interrogator sits and reviews the monitor which displays the humans memories. The lead science officer steps in.

Melk the interrogator: Move backward!!....Again, Again!!! This makes no sense, why does this human have no memories of the past? Thal!, this engineer is defective!
Thal: Melk, with all do respect, The issue is between the monitor and your seat.
Melk : I don't have time for this! This man is obviously their leader and must have information or great value-
Thal: Why would you think that?
Melk: Look at the markings all over his body, they are similar to our armor's. Even you saw how the others tried to protect him. Even if he isn't the leader....he is....still an interest.
Thal: Perhaps, but I am more interested in the human looking machine, it may hold more usable information.

Thal thinks to himself for a moment. It could be very beneficial, I might actually be able to replicate it. HA! An army of humanoid at my disposal...And Me, their MASTER..No more 'Thal fix this, Thal clean this, Thal! Thal! THAL!!!'

Melk: THAL! Daydreaming?! Idiot! We have work to do! Engineer, wake the human! I've grown tired of this indirect approach.
Thal: WAIT! shouldn't I call  the Twins?!
Melk:  No!  I don't need those brutes in here! Idiots would probably kill him...Make sure the door is sealed. Xeen would have my head if he knew I was about too wake the human, you know how he is about security.
Thal: Door is secured. Engineer..wake him....

Meanwhile in the engineering bay...

The android memory flows though the convents computers...´
>>OPEN FILE [Hex.history]
     Hexaluna was the fourteenth successful terraforming of a once uninhabitable planet. Where once was hosting mostly scientist long with a small colonely of civilians (Population 75,902) The planet it self, gives off a haunting white hue. looking from space it appears as if it is a star, which provided excellent cover for unwanted guest. The scientist stationed here have been working with a mineral indigenous to Hexaluna, the mineral is now know as Xuna [Zoo-Na]and holds many different application for the military. Testing of Xuna has been on going since the first colonies arrived 25 years ago. Dr. Edwin was the senior scientist and headed up all projects relating to Xuna. Two years ago Dr. Edwin started PROJECT: OPERATION BLACK. The concept was Xuna and it military applications. Unfortunately, Xuna was more enigmatic than he had originally expected, and the results were less then stellar. Commander Georgeo, the one funding  the Doctors research was very displeased and pulled the plug. Dr. Edwin decided to continue the project. He didn't advise the scientists about the cancellation, in fear they would leave or simply stop assisting. The doctor came to the idea of adding Xuna to human DNA, thus was born --

The Engineer removes its tentacles from the human..

Melk: Human?
Human: ..ugh..*cough*..err..

  The human leans to the side of the table vomiting goo and blood. His head is throbbing as if he had an extremely good time last night. Unfortunately, that's not the case. Thal backs up to the door and Melk raises from his seat to greet the human.

Melk: It's a little intrusive, but engineers have a way of getting information that torturing simply cant produce...I am sure you and I can be of help to each other. oh, how I ramble...My name is Melk, and this is Thal. And you are?

Human:....Wha..? *sniff*...ahg..I...( the human is confused )

Melk: I apologize, you must be thirsty..Thal, fetch some water.
Thal: But..
Melk: NOW!

Thal exits the room..

The human surveys it's surroundings..

Human: ARHHH....IT HURTS...My Hea...
The humans thoughts became clear for a moment..
*[]ANALYZING[] Room 14x20....2 exit points, Air shaft 1.5x1.5, South door SECURED*.....
Human: ..Who said that?!
Melk:Who are you? What can you tell me of your occupation on Hexaluna?
*[]WEAPONS[]...> NONE.*
The Human thinks to himself..What's wrong with me?...Who are you?

In the prisoners' cell..

Vincent: This is taking too long..
HayRoll: Naw, wez still got time, as long as dey wont wake 'em up.
Dome:...If these bastards even knew half about the shit storm that was about to go off...

A shadowed figure in a cell above tries to get their attention.
Unknown: You're not..Scientists?...

Dome: I would strongly suggest you watch your words...
Unknown: I mean no disrespect. I am merely intrested.
HayRoll: Whyz you in here bughead?
Unknown: My name is Giltrevon, and to answer your question, I am... I was the ships captain.
HayRoll: Dis ship's?
Giltrevon: Yes.
Dome: 'The hell?! Were you locked up for being crazy?
Vincent: Hold up Dome. Gliken, how well do you know the ship? Armaments? Weapons? How many crew members?
Dome: You buying this shit?!
Vincent: Dome! Shut it.
Giltrevon: During the attack, I failed to comply with a profits direct survivors. As soon as you were brought aboard I was relieved of my command. Xeen is now the captain, although I am unsure why he has decided to keep you all alive...
Vincent: I couldn't care less. I need Intel, not your life story.
Giltrevon: Intel?...Wart wart wart.. I can't imagine that being of any help to you...
Dome: Ha ha ha..Vin, you mind if I kill him first?!

HayRoll crouches near the cell door and begins fiddling with it.

Giltrevon: Don't bother with the cell door...or your empty threats.
HayRoll: Darrr, she is open and ready...just howz I like em.
Giltrevon: ...Maybe we will work something out...?
Dome: Vin give me this one...Come on..

Vincent, Dome and Hayroll walk up a flight of steps to meet their cellmate.

Giltrevon: I...I am quite sure we...could come to some sort of...agreement?

Theorizers / FF Skull's and Scoring Mode
« on: January 13, 2010, 18:44:25 »
I am sure by now some of you have noticed the skulls from the attachment below...
                               The scoring Par on ODST (not attached)

   We can take care of scoring mode this weekend, but its odd there is no achievement for either one..I would have thought this would have added re-playability..but could it unlock something? 

Report In! / Deloading...( board?)
« on: December 21, 2009, 15:31:19 »
Deloading: DL - This is usually caused by 1 or more of the following.

1. You bumped a district
2. You have pulled/pushed/naded an iteam through 2 districts and activated a 3rd district door
3. Were chased by a enemy, leading him through a 2nd district and he disappears.
4. Placing items in the way of a opened district door. Once it closes..a few times "PRESTO" its gone!

Have you ever wanted to levitate?

   deload an item while standing on it. Its simple, bring stuff near a 3rd district door, one player on top of what ever you brought and the 2nd activate the door. Now player 1 is floating! ( if you move you will fall )

Maybe you could even use district 1 items to prop up district 2 items and then activate district 3 door. that could have some interesting outcomes.

Report In! / Prop man!! ( playing with cinamatics )
« on: December 21, 2009, 00:06:49 »
Do you want to help set up scenes in ODST!?!

Of course you do

What the 'F' is Enigma talking about? Well..Thanks to Dr ColdGlider( it will catch on), we now know we can add our own flare (no, not that blinding light) in game cinematic.

 First time around, Beat a chapter, view the in game cut scene, map out prime locations for placing items or bodies.
Second time around, get the desired item/body to your prime location, set it up and trigger the cinematic.

ZombieElites: Zombie movies Suggestion.

On topic and theory: I think we could make a fully erected (lol) elite stand up for a duration of a cut scene.

It would have to be done on Campaign Mission: Tayari Plaza ( This is one of the only missions that has dead elites) I think its really the only level we can do it on.

How can we get it to stand that long?

Well I have a sound theory: When ever an In game cut scene occurs EVERYTHING else in and around the environment freezes.

How or why would I think that?

 well...Have you ever been attacked while in a in game cut scene?....answer is no.

This most likely would have to be a Co-op game one person trying to stand the elite while the other gets ready to active the cut scene ( buy opening the Pod door )

 Again this HAS been tested ( with plinths )but should still ring true for the elites. The real a$$ kicker will be getting the elite all the way to the end of the chapter....

After doing this post, I thought to my self, Hey I wonder....could I "block" an event or cause the "actors" to interact with my set? Maybe.... If I could get some bigger items such as cars, trucks, or boxes to a event area I could force the characters to acknowledge it.... lol.. imagine a scene where you hear the normal dialog but you see a car talking to a box or elite talking to a plinth.

Im sure I forgot something...( I have ADD )

Intel / Rookie's Blood type.
« on: December 15, 2009, 18:08:50 »

Rookie's blood type is 0+...Would this be a requirement of an ODST....(I didn't check everyone)

Your blood type depends on which proteins, called antigens, are on the surface of your red blood cells--A-protein or B-protein--and which antibodies are in your plasma. If your blood cells have A-protein, your blood type is A. If your red blood cells have B-protein, your blood type is B. If your red blood cells have both A-protein and B-protein, your blood type is AB. If your red blood cells have neither A-protein or B-protein, your blood type is O.

Because your blood group is O RhD positive, you are especially important. Around 37% of the population share your group, but what makes you even more important is that, if necessary, your blood can be given to anyone who is RhD positive (regardless of their blood group) - and that's a staggering 83% of people.

Intel / We might want to focus on glitches...
« on: December 11, 2009, 21:48:12 »
G4: Are there any hidden Easter eggs that readers still haven't found that you want to spoil here -- or at least point everyone in the right direction?

Joseph Staten, Writer & Creative Director: Players recently found the last big one -- and egg that changes a certain piece of music our Composer, Marty O'Donnell, likes to hide in every Halo game into something much more... danceable. But there are always smaller treats to find. Folks looking forward to Halo: Reach would be wise to pay particular attention to the license plates on New Mombasa's GENET Coupes.

Read more here.

 :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :-[

Intel / The Bungie staff room
« on: December 08, 2009, 21:09:05 »
I bet some of you have seen this, but take another look..

a couple of notes:

1. Civilian EMC - WTF IS EMC?

2. Do not erase MOFO - Bungie wanted us to see this?

3. Fires + - IDK maybe having to do with something in the environment...

4. Phantoms and Banshees - would this be in reference to one of the chapters or something else?

As you can see the board has more notes then I listed.

Theorizers / Cut Scenes
« on: December 07, 2009, 22:00:56 »
I could be way off base here:

  Aren't all the cut scenes built into the game?

Let me clarify:

Remember those old games where you typed in GOD MODE and WALKTRU WALLS? you would fly around the map, off in the distance you would see a "secret" room and as you fly up to it, you find that its from one of the many cut scene's from the game..

So, just a thought..

Legendary Ending... Could we find the Prophets scene?

Maybe this is a Black OPS thing..

« on: December 05, 2009, 19:05:57 »
I just now noticed that screen shots for ODST are not classified anymore....weird.

« on: December 04, 2009, 20:01:51 »
Although there is no achievement:

Par score on every Level
Earn every skull on firefight (check your Bungie profile to see how many you have)

Maybe this "unlocks something".....

Report In! / Data Hive
« on: November 24, 2009, 21:53:55 »
As soon as you drop into the hive: Has anyone looked in to the door that cant open or close?

Inside: 2 dead cops and a dead bug.

That's odd: who killed who? cops had favor with 2:1 odds.

Monitor mode: I thought the door gap was big enough for the monitor to fit. but no.

Theorizers / Mission Order
« on: October 20, 2009, 18:14:46 »
The new craze: The following is the the letters that are cap'd in mission select. Probably nothing but once MS is totally open you could do the missions in any order you want. Maybe you could Spell something by doing it in a special order?


 First letters only: PTUKONKDCM

I was just thinking that doing certain missions in a special order would unlock something. Just a thought.

SGP Task Force: Arkive / What ever hasn't been covered...
« on: October 14, 2009, 21:08:37 »
Can be found here.

This way we can focus on what hasn't been found.

SGP Task Force: 7 / 07-07-2010 7:07PM
« on: October 14, 2009, 19:54:05 »

If you change your system setting........Nothing happens

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