Where do we find them?
Food boxes..
Now, what do we find on these items in real life?
Fast food boxes: Item info(carbs,fat,health info), Franchise names, UPC codes, Item # and perhaps where it was made...
Shirts: Logos, favorite destinations ( Beach, vacation location..), company, college, cartoons.....
Building: address, company names, billboards, logos.....
What could they mean on Reach?
Fast food: look at some of the fast food places, they are pretty small..could they be automated? or does someone run that? would it make sense to have "barcodes" on everything, you grab what you want, scan it, pay and eat?
Perhaps the shotcode merely tells us where the box was manufactured..a address or location. maybe it tells us what food chain it was purchased from.
Shirts: shotcodes on shirts could mean a ton of stuff. You see people everyday wearing college and or location shirts. A good example would be the I love New York or UCLA. You would think, wouldn't be easier to just have a shirt that says I love Reach....maybe it would, but its the future...On the other hand we do find shirts that say BXR and Soviet. Speculation: You may have noticed that some of the civilians have what looks like a Bluetooth attached to their it a phone? a scanner? or something else? I would imagine that technology would have progressed enough that a ear piece such as this would have multiple applications. "I don't know where is am." scan shotcode,"oh here I am." or "what does that shirt say?" scan,"OMG,LOL!"...
Buildings: Think about it really think about it, how the hell would you know where you are....with out a address? how could you receive deliveries? how do you know where you live? You have to have something that labels your location. Shotcodes on buildings have to be an address...its also the easies explanations.
It is my GUESS that the Shotcodes are Locations. At least that would be the only way these 3 things could be linked.
Wait!? Why cant we read them?
Well, these locations don't exist...yet. Shotcodes are useless if the final destination doesn't exist.
I think Bungie knowing that shot codes were up incoming decided to use them as a way to make it more realistic. maybe these shotcode will become relevant in the future...or maybe they will unlock something...
For sure we should keep this under wraps from the public until we are 100%.